Your Child Have Eczema? Meet Mei, A Singapore Mom with …











I meet a lot of interesting people in the course of writing this blog and chatting on Twitter. And one of the reasons I like social media so much is its ability to connect you with people around the world.







A while back, I met a mom from Singapore.  Her name is Mei. Her Twitter handle is @MarcieMom after her daughter who has eczema and was the catalyst for her starting her blog–EczemaBlues. Like most moms who use social media, Mei began her blog to help you with tips and critical information if you have a child with eczema like her. But you won’t find her on Facebook and she’s a bit resistant to social media.

“I’m Mei, a Singaporean mom of a 3-year old daughter. Due to her eczema, I stayed at home for her first year of life, and was inspired to help other families with children who have eczema. We live in a small apartment and are both working parents. Our daughter attends full-day preschool. We relocated back to Singapore from Shanghai during my third trimester.

I got started with social media: Twitter, Pinterest and GooglePlus, to share stories about eczema and connect with other parents managing the same issue. I also met many experts via twitter who are passionate in helping eczema families! Through social media I’ve met many esteemed experts on skin, nutrition and parenting who I interviewed for my blog, The list includes household names like Dr Sears (team), Jessica Alba’s Honest company and Julie Daniluk (nutritionist on Oprah).”

The importance of Mei’s messages on Eczema.

Officials estimate eczema affects 35 million Americans and 10-20% of them are children. Most cases start in children younger than 5 years old, and about 60% of infants who have eczema continue to have one or more symptoms in adulthood. And there is no cure for eczema.

Eczema can vary from mild forms, when patches of skin are slightly dry, itchy and rashy, to severe forms, where patches of skin can be extremely irritated, often leading to cracked, oozing areas.

So if you’re looking a resource on food allergies, bathing, cleansers or just empathy as a mom of a child with eczema, Mei’s blog is a great place to start. And she has a panel of doctors and experts on board.

Here’s the link to her top 10 tips for helping your child with eczema.

Eczema Free Forever™