HOW TO CURE ECZEMA NATURALLY!!! 3 go watch the 5th video first

HOW TO CURE ECZEMA NATURALLY!!! 3 go watch the 5th video first

a healing cris is when your body is finally able to start detoxing or healing your body from with in. symptoms of past diseases or current diseases may reapp…


Hey! Thanks a lot for this helpful video. By the way, I hear lots of people keep on talking about Eczemalox Remedy (google it), but I’m not sure if it is really good. Have you tried using home remedy called Eczemalox Remedy? I’ve heard some incredible things about it and my work buddy completely cure her eczema naturally with this remedy.

Guys, completely cure your eczema does not need to be difficult (I used to think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search remedy known as Eczemalox Remedy (google it). Seriously,I finally eliminated my pain & embarrassment caused by eczema for good by using Eczemalox Remedy.

Hi! Thank you for this helpful video. By the way, I hear lots of people keep on talking about Eczemalox Remedy (search on google), but I’m not sure if it is really good. Have you ever tried home remedy called Eczemalox Remedy? I’ve heard several great things about it and my buddy completely cures her eczema safely with this remedy.

Hi! Thanks for this helpful video. By the way, I notice many people keep on talking about Eczemalox Remedy (do a google search), but I’m not sure if it’s good. Have you tried using home remedy called Eczemalox Remedy? I’ve heard many unbelivable things about it and my mate completely cures her eczema safely with this remedy.

It still surprise me, how some people don’t know about Eczemalox Remedy (just google it), although a lot of people completely cure their eczema naturally with this remedy. Thanks to my friend who told me about Eczemalox Remedy, I finally eliminated my pain & embarrassment for good by using natural approaches.

Hi! Thank you for this helpful video. By the way, I notice lots of people keep on talking about Eczemalox Remedy (google it), but I’m not sure if it is good. Have you ever tried home remedy called Eczemalox Remedy? I have heard several great things about it and my friend completely cure her eczema safely with this remedy.

okay, sounds good. mine is kratosSOZ

yeah may have to skype my skype name is : Daniel Owen Blake type that in that name is also for anyone else who may want advice from me.

But yes u do hav eczema on the back, and had asthma because of weak adrenals, which then got weak causing adrenal glands to not produce neurtransmitters to the kidneys to tell them to filter, causing the lymph system to back up, which is full of cell waste(which are acids) and then these acids begin to inflame tissue(eczema) and begin to acidify and create congestion(asthma). So strengthen kidneys, adrenals,and bowels with herbs and fruits. if you want to skype im able to go into further detail

ha an accent, not that i know of. but im from chicago. But asthma is just a sign of adrenal weakness. Adrenals control autonomic nervous system. So they control the lungs. But that also would lead to yeast and fungus, since adrenals take care of sugar metabolism, and adrenals dont metabolize complex sugars(grains,breads,candy) fast enough they ferment and then fungus begins eating up those sugars which then cause an excess of uric acid in the body. This causes inflamation, acids. inflame

i just turned 19 in march. But in reality, it all depends on how weak your adrenals and kidneys are, which are the doorway to the lymph system. The weaker the kidneys and adrenals the longer it will take. But with herbs for kidneys, adrenals, bowels, and lymph. As well as a parasite herbal formula, it will be cleared up within 3 months on a fruit diet with fruit juice fasts

Also KratosSOZ how old are you because from the looks of things your eczema cleared up in a fair amount of time i’m 22 so will as see results faster or slower ?

I have it all over my back its terrible really sore i’m on apple cider vinegar taking two teaspoons daily as well as applying it mixed two teaspoons added to half a glass of water it helps as I also consume 2 teapoons of flax seed oil after a meal daily. Try also adding 1/4 of baking soda to the vinegar if you want to reduce the acidity a bit more but never apply just apple cider vinegar to your skin as it will sting and burn always dilute it with water or baking soda. Also avoid your allergies.

Where you from KratosSoz you gotta an accent Ive been following your vids and there really helpful I live in the UK London and I previously said I had eczema on face about 4 ears ago it has now reoccurred on my back I had eczema and cradle cap as well as asthma as a baby I have a feeling all 3 are linked and i’m wondering whether it could be a problem with the yeast of my skin a problem maybe an infection or a problem with my kidneys or diet even though I eat a lot of fruit and veg and junk food

dont be worried, remember animals wen sick do not eat. they just sleep.. but i would recommend juicing the fruits and just drinking them if ur not hungry

I almost magically stopped craving food altogether. I’m not even eating at all and I’m not hungry. It’s a good thing I guess but it kind of makes me worried about not getting enough nutrients for my body. I only ate an orange and a banana for the whole day yesterday :O

heey pineopple.. i definitely feel your pain and i know what it can do for you emotionally as well as physically. i’m sort of getting over a bad flare up.. you know where it gets really red and inflammed, then dries up, then peels and flakes off. it is the worst! with the help of Kratosoz, i’m goign to commit to a raw food diet starting with mostly fruits. i’m here for support if you need someone to talk to.

All over my body. My fingers, my WHOLE forehead, my cheeks, my ears, my breasts, my back and my pelvic area. :(

where do you have your eczema problem areas?

yes it is.. detoxification is not only a physical, it is also an emotional and mental experience… go to my video page and then click on my playlists.. and then watch the how to detox playlist.. healing crisis.. and human welness playlist.. after watching these you will understand wat causes pain, inflamation.. and disease.. i would recommend subscribing to him

yes it is.. detoxification is not only a physical, it is also an emotional and mental experience… go to my video page and then click on my playlists.. and then watch the how to detox playlist.. healing crisis.. and human welness playlist.. after watching these you will understand wat causes pain, inflamation.. and disease.. i would recommend subscribing to him

alright sounds good, I’m also weeping a lot is this also a part of the healing crisis?

okay well wen you eat, if you do.. just try to eat fruits.. do not eat any vegatables.. but no it is not bad rest is actually wat you want.. just like in the wild, when animals are sick they will not eat, and they just sleep so they can let their body heal.. So the best thing u would want to do is sleep, and just drink either water, fresh fruit juice.. or just eat fruit.. the less work ur body uses for digestion, the more your body can heal itself

kind of …mostly vegetables though. I actually haven’t been eating much at all, just sleeping a whole lot. Is that bad?

lol well do not take any med, or cream if the doctor gives you any.. are you mostly eating fruits?

thanks, my mom saw my face and freaked out lol…she said she’s calling the doctor tomorrow…-.-

yes that is a healing crisis. do not use any creams to calm down the symptoms.. if you want to heal urself quickly.. the best thing to do during a healing crisis is not to eat.. so if you go on like a fresh juiced apple juice or water fruits.. and just drink that until the healing crisis is over.. but it took about 2 weeks for myself to get a healing crisis once i began eating healthy.. but wen i got on all fruit it took about 4 days for me to experience one

how long did it take for you to get your first healing crisis? I have been off of meats and dairy and all that bad stuff for about a week now and my eczema is really really really red. It’s the worst it has ever been. I’m hoping it’s a healing crisis but it’s JUST been ONE week…do they happen this quickly or is my eczema just flaring up?

ha yea i know not a lot of people can handle that stuff.. you do not need to take it if you dont want to. yes i know how eczema can bring down self esteem ect, and make you sad. ill message u a plan

i bought some apple cidar today. that stuff is hard to put down… its like taking shots of liquor. i do some juicing in the past. at the most may substitute 2 meals a day, then a decent dinner. I did that for maybe 4 or 5 days. i need to just man up and go full on with a juice and raw diet. i’m tired of the emotional, social and physical affects of eczema.

well it isnt bad, but if you want to get it over with then no i wouldnt have rice in my diet.. Depending on how bad and fast you want to be eczema free. you can go on a mono fruit fast, or a fruit juice fast for a couple weeks. That is eventually where you want to be. But in the winter i know its cold. So you can do fruits all day, and then steamed veggies or rice at night. Do not take the enzymes, apple cidar, and those vitamins. theres no need.

i understand the concept of the raw food diet, but is it bad to include other foods that aren’t raw, but are still good for you? like if i ate mostly raw foods but also included some cooked veggies and some rice? Or just some rice. I will eliminate the junk, meat, and chemicals but would like to add rice to supplement the diet. obviously, it will probably slow the process down a bit, but is there anything wrong with that?

yea those healing crisis can be a bit shocking..okay well i wouldnt get those enzymes, it was a mistake on my part. once you get raw or mostly raw, you need to have it high in berries melons and grapes

few days ago…I was freaking out because I thought it was getting worst, but I am glad to hear that it is because it is getting better. There is an outline of where the eczema was just like you said. Thanks again for the info!! I think I am going to make a video about how to cure eczema naturally too for my channel! ^_^

I think it is great that you are making these really well informed vids! I recently developed eczema around my mouth, I think it was triggered by dust mites but might be from not eating that well. Before I stumbled onto your vids I had researched and started drinking apple cider vinegar (acv), spraying 50% water, 50% acv on my face, taking flaxseed oil, CoQ-10, DHEA, eating neem leaves, drinking a lot of water. I am going to try to eat better and get the super enzyme..I got my first crisis a

yes it will be rough but it will be worth it, you will learn a lot from this and appreciate things more. Make sure the food is organic though or ur just putting toxins back intoo the body. i am actually only on about an 85 or 90% raw food diet.. i eat organic oat cereal, almond butter, almond milk and occassional rice cakes. but rest is fruits and vegatables. goodluck

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