Eczema Treatments | eHealthCritic – Your #1 Source For Weight …

Eczema is defined as the inflammation of the skin, resulting in blisters, thickening, crusting, scaling, and itching.  Some of the common causes of eczema are allergy, digestive disorders, and immune deficiencies.  Another cause is the inability to produce GLA-gamma linoleic acid which is key component in the structure of cell membranes.

Eczema mediations are designed to safely relieve symptoms and help the skin heal.  There are many options for eczema treatment, so it is up to you and your health care provider to pick the one that is right for you.

Barrier repair moisturizers: available over the counter and by prescription, the help to lock water into skin, repair damaged cells, and reduce dryness, itching, and redness.

Topical corticosteroids: hydrocortisone steroids quickly help relieve symptoms and reduce inflammation.  They can be bought in varying strengths with the weakest being over the counter and the strongest being prescriptions.  The strength of the cream is dependent on the location and severity of your rash.

Immunosuppressants: as mentioned previously, eczema may be the cause of an allergic reaction, thus it would be wise to inhibit ones allergic response.  Immunosuppressants can be given as pills, liquids, or injections.  This treatment option is only used for brief time periods and under the supervision of a health care practitioner.

Antihistamines: These are similar to the immunosuppressants in function, however they relieve the symptoms associated with eczema and may induce drowsiness.  They can be purchased over the counter.

Antibiotics: If severe, antibiotics will be prescribed to combat any invading bacterium that may enter through open lesions from itching skin.

In conjunction to the above treatment options that are available at your local drug store, there are other remedies that can make eczema more manageable on a daily basis.  The premise of the following treatments is to prevent drying of the skin; thus reducing the need for additional medication.

Moisturizers: daily use of moisturizers will lock in moisture.  Try to use the un-scented ones as they may irritate the skin.

Avoid sweating: Sweating normally results in itching and drying of the skin.  After workouts, try to take a thorough bath in warm water to cleans the skin.

Avoid skin irritants: if something is known to cause eczema – avoid it.  These may include cleaners, detergents, cosmetics and certain clothes.

Other alternative therapies do exist and cover a broad range in the homeopathic department.  There is no conclusive evidence regarding their effectiveness so buyer beware.  Alternative treatments include chamomile and borage seed oil.

Please consult with your doctor if you have any questions are concerns before using the above mentioned treatment options.

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