How Aromas Heal | Natural Holistic Healing

A quick lesson from your Holistic Coach on how aromas effect the healing process.

Whenever one talks about natural holistic healing from anything, a good comprehensive treatment plan will usually include aromatherapy in some way. This is because essential oils and other aromas have the ability to significantly increase mind and body health. No other sense can evoke emotions or memories like the sense of smell.

There is so much more to it than just enjoying a pleasurable scent. We first must go back to the basics; everything is energy and has a frequency. When we are exposed to a scent, either by inhaling, ingesting or applying them topically (especially essential oils because they are highly charged), the phytohormones or chemical messengers have the ability to affect our frequency. Eastern State University states that essential oils can restore frequency in human cells. Dr. Gary Young, who has worked with essential oils for more than 30 years, claims that due to the oil’s high electrical charge, they stimulate the firing in the axon (in the brain) and increase the neurotransmitters which converts in the axon to an electron. It then fires across the synoptic gap and begins making new connections. After repeated firings, it starts to grow together until it is hardwired, hence stimulating the regeneration of damaged nerve tissue.

Smells act directly on the brain just like a drug according to Dr. Alan Hirsch, a psychiatrist and neurologist, who was director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Center in Chicago. Smells effect the limbic system. They go directly to the center of the brain (pituitary gland), which evaluates sensory stimuli, registering danger or safety, pleasure or pain. Having the ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier, endorphines can immediately be created depending on the message. This can cause an increase in energy, enhanced memory and focus, tranquility, reduced anxiety, stress, depression and the list goes on and on. Smells can also initiate less favored responses if the smell has evoked fear, repulsion or guilt, releasing hormones that decrease our frequency and aid in disease rather than wellness.

These incredible essential oils are not just great to increase mind/emotional balance, but also as a pain killer, appetite suppressant, sedative, disinfectant, air purifier, aphrodisiac, and aura expander. Our aura is the metaphysical aspect of the body, the energy field that is emitted from, but not limited to the physical body. It is known as prana in India, chi in China, bioplasma in Russia or vital/life force. Seems that spiritual teachers and mystics have always known the power of aroma therapy. Many religious traditions have used and continue to use essential oils in their rituals. These oils are also used in the treatment of allergies, inflammation, eczema, arthritis and burns. They are anti-viral, fungal and bacterial.One of the many benefits of using natural essential oils instead of synthetic drugs is that there have been no known cases where a bacteria or a virus has been able to mutate in order to counter the healing effects as it does so many times with other medications.

Make sure you only purchase your oils from a reputable supplier. Pure essential oils are impossible to duplicate in a lab. Synthetic copies can not match the precise blend of chemicals in essential oils. The slightest change will unbalance the fragrance by upsetting the delicate synergies, eliminating their power to heal. I like the package below because it contains some mixed oils that target specific problems which reduces the guess work and the investment. Essential Oils-Holistic Healing


To order this package  click here



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May the Force be with you,

Your Holistic Coach,



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