Holistic Treatment Solves Allergies and Asthma | Healthy Kids Blog

You may have noticed a strange thing lately. Children in unprecedented numbers use inhalers to treat asthma symptoms. Schools find it necessary to ban peanut butter from classrooms for fear of life-threatening allergic reactions. Your own children may have eczema, asthma, or food sensitivities. The incidence of allergies and asthma in children has skyrocketed over the past 30 years. And the drugs commonly employed to treat these symptoms don’t cure the problem.

Parents need a new model for treating allergies.

Fortunately, the field of holistic pediatrics has excellent protocols for treating asthma, eczema, and allergies with a simple, safe, and effective three step method.

1. First, use nontoxic, natural treatments to relieve the acute symptoms.

2. Second, identify and eliminate contributing dietary and environmental factors. A good HEPA air purifier will remove the particles that can trigger allergies and asthma.

3. And third, treat the underlying immune system imbalance responsible for the problem.

Several categories of natural medicines can treat acute allergic symptoms. Three forms of natural medicine are commonly used to treat allergies, eczema, and asthma.

1. A number of Chinese herbal formulas have been formulated to address these symptoms in children.

2. Homeopathic medicines often produce immediate relief in allergic reactions.

3. Many nutritional supplements can treat the symptoms as well. For example, quercetin, stinging nettles, and bromelain are often combined to relieve allergies. These types of remedies will help keep symptoms under control while addressing the underlying problem.

See How to Treat Allergies in Kids for more specifics about supplements and remedies.

Diagnose the problem and build the immune system

Identifying contributing factors to symptoms requires a different approach at different ages. For example, for breast-feeding babies the mother’s diet needs to be considered. For older children food sensitivity tests can be useful to pinpoint foods that aggravate symptoms. Conventional allergy testing may be needed to identify outside influences that can be reduced or eliminated.

The most important aspect of holistic treatment involves addressing the underlying root cause of the symptoms. This requires building and balancing the immune system. Since 80 percent of the immune system happens in the small intestine, ensuring a healthy digestive tract will provide the foundation for a strong immune system. Depending on the symptoms, this may include a combination of probiotics and nutritional supplements to support digestion. Balancing the body through the use of a deep acting homeopathic medicine and herbal treatment will fortify the child’s constitution. And many supplements can activate and build immune function, including:


medicinal mushroom formulas

vitamin D3

specific probiotics

omega-3 fats


A holistic pediatric practitioner can help parents manage and integrate an inclusive treatment program resulting in a balanced immune system. The goal is an increased level of health and eventual cure. A balanced and resilient immune system is characterized by greater resistance to infections and less allergic reactions.




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