Some Facts About Eczema

Another name for eczema is atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema. This condition mainly affects children although it may persist until adulthood or it can also start later on in life. Eczema is considered as a chronic skin condition wherein the skin becomes red, dry, itchy, and cracked. This condition affects both males and females in general. However, there are instances wherein children who acquire atopic eczema also develop asthma after a few months or years.

Since atopic eczema is a chronic condition, this means that it will persist for a long period of time. Because of this, there could be some instances wherein the symptoms can become worse and more intensive treatment is needed.

Some of the symptoms of atopic eczema include:

Cracked skin
Dry skin
Itchy areas in the skin which is usually worse at night
Some areas of the skin may become red and inflamed

Aside from these symptoms, there can also be patches that are apparent on the hands, feet, arms, and area behind the knees. There are also some patients who have symptoms around their eyes and eyelids. Worst symptoms of atopic eczema include scaly and drier skin, appearance of blisters, occurrence of bacterial infection, leaking of fluid from the skin, and extreme itchiness.

Experts suggest that atopic eczema is hereditary in nature and it is a genetically inherited condition. Many studies have been done in order to determine the cause of this kind eczema. Studies have found out that the oily lipid in people with this eczema is lesser compared to others. Aside from that, the immune cells of patients with eczema release more chemicals which can cause further inflammation.

Some of the common causes of eczema, according experts include environmental allergens which can trigger the condition. These environmental allergens include pollen, house dust mites or bed bugs, and animal furs. On the other hand, there are also some foods which can make eczema worse and these include eggs, milk, wheat, soya, and nuts. There are also some associations of eczema to mental stress, which means that a person who gets stressed out all the time may develop eczema.

Thus, for you to prevent getting stressed out, it is necessary to keep your body active and engage in a healthy lifestyle. You can do that by having regular exercises.

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