Using Prednisone for the Treatment of Eczema | Mexico Health …

Prednisone is an oral steroid drug that is prescribed for many conditions that have to do with inflammation. Prednisone is a corticosteroid, which means it is a synthetic form of cortisol. Cortisol is a naturally occurring hormone, which works as an anti-inflammatory agent in your body. Prednisone works by reducing your immune system’s effectiveness. There are many different types and reasons for eczema, but one theory is that it is caused by an over-active immune system response. Inhibiting your immune system by using Prednisone can oftentimes treat eczema.

Eczema is a term that encompasses a group of skin conditions. Eczema causes your skin to become irritated or inflamed. The most frequently seen type of eczema is atopic eczema, or atopic dermatitis. Atopic means the disease will oftentimes develop into other allergic conditions.

If you are suffering from eczema, Prednisone has its pros and cons. On the one hand, if you are a first time user of Prednisone, you might be shocked at how quickly it clears up your skin condition. It does a very good job at clearing up both itching and inflammation. However, there are side effects to using Prednisone. Some of the most common side effects include trouble falling or staying asleep, feeling bloated, Cushing’s Syndrome, and an increased appetite.

Side effects do not happen to every individual, and happen at varying degrees of severity. Therefore many people find that the relief from the constant itching associated with eczema is worth suffering through any side effects. You can’t know how you will react until you try, and you might find that Prednisone is a perfect fit for you.

There are ways to reduce the risk of having side effects. Try to take Prednisone at the same time everyday, and take it with a meal. Taking Prednisone on an empty stomach could result in stomach pains. You should also always take Prednisone exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take a higher dosage, use at a higher frequency, or stop using Prednisone without first talking to your physician. Many times Prednisone is given on a tapering schedule. It is very important to keep to this schedule.

Using Prednisone as an eczema treatment, your skin will begin to clear up after a couple of days. This is a good time to start developing a good skin care routine. Prednisone is not a cure for eczema, and while it does reduce inflammation and itching, it does not cure dry skin. It is a good idea to start fighting dry skin while on Prednisone because you will not have itching to get in your way. Look into high quality moisturizers and drink a lot of water. You can also start doing things that you might not have felt well enough do to because of the constant itching, such as going for a walk.

Unfortunately, when you stop using Prednisone your eczema will likely come back. However, hopefully your new skin care routine will help it to stay away – or at least be less severe.

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