Home Treatment For Eczema On Face | How To Get Rid Of Eczema …

Dyshydrosis eczema is a type of painful skin disorder that causes itchy blisters that, when burst open, ooze and form deep cracks in the skin. The dry skin cracks may deepen and bleed. Medical treatment relies on corticosteroids and applications of thick creams or ointments to moisturize the skin in addition to the avoidance of flare-up triggers. Natural cures, including herbal remedies, provide alternatives to people with dyshidrosis eczema who want to avoid corticosteroid use.

Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil has been studied for skin, inflammatory and menstrual-related conditions. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guidelines Clearinghouse, which monitors clinical trials of alternative therapies for medicinal uses, evening primrose oil use for menstrual pain and inflammatory diseases requires more conclusive evidence as of May 2010. However, the Clearinghouse, and Dr. J.E. Yates et al, in the May 2009 issues of “The Journal of Family Practice,” report that evening primrose oil does appear to improve eczema, even in children, in controlled study environments. Evening primrose oil extracted from plant seeds has been used since the 1930s. Evening primrose oil, marketed in capsule products, provides an essential fatty acid–necessary for healthy cell and tissue development–to the body. The herbal product reduces the eczema symptoms of itch, swelling and irritation.

Olive Oil
Olive oil provides multiple health benefits, most notably its effects on maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Olive oil, especially extra virgin, which is the least processed type, provides essential vitamins and fats to the body, moisturizes the skin, provides a barrier over the skin and contains anti-inflammatory and cleansing ingredients, such as phenols, according to an article published in :Clinical Dermatology” in 2009. Soap makers ranging from generational Greek families to 21st century handmade soap companies say that application directly to eczema can reduce irritation and redness while healing the damaged skin, according to the information website Handmade-Natural-Soap.net.


Sage, an herbal bush-like plant, provides cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties from the oils of the root and leaves, according to Herbs2000.com. Although sage historically has been used to treat colds and other infections, its anti-inflammatory properties are also useful for allergic reactions in the body and on the skin. Eczema, which is closely associated with allergic conditions, benefits from tea infusions or prepared tinctures, but compresses of sage-soaked water are also beneficial to improve healing without stomach-related side effects, such as nausea, according to the website.

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