Aloe Vera for Eczema Treatment

Aloe vera and flower petals

Eczema is a universal name for inflammatory skin diseases. The most common form of eczema is called atopy. Such kind of eczema is considered as atopic eczema. This is a noncontagious, constantly arising inflammation of the skin. Eczema can be a result of irritation of the skin to perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, various chemical products, jewellery and other objects or items with nickel content.

The symptoms of eczema are redness, itching or burning, blisters, dry and flaky skin, mostly on the neck of the elbows, knees, arms, legs and head skin. Do not delay with the treatment of this disease, you should immediately take measures. Moreover there are a number of natural healing products that can help stop the itching before healing.

1. Aloe vera for eczema

It is proved that aloe has the whole spectrum of curative properties. Although the appearance of this plant resembles a cactus, in reality this plant is a member of the family of lilies. Aloe gel can be applied to the damaged area, and the juice is suitable for oral consumption.

Preparation of Aloe juice:
– cut the most mature leaves.
– Cut the leaves in half and squeeze the juice.
– Stir the resulting juice in a blender along with citrus.
– Cool the mixture within 2 hours, after that you can apply it.

Preparation of Aloe exterior:
– Cut the mature leaves at the base of plants.
– Wash them in warm water, or water with vinegar.
– cut away all the thorns at the sheet. Cut it in half.
– Apply the juice on the affected area.

2. Coconut oil

100% natural coconut oil is considered one of the best natural remedies for the treatment of eczema, as fatty acid contained in this liquid prevents fungal and bacterial infections when directly applied to the skin. Thus, it moisturizes the skin and helps restore the natural antibacterial and acid barrier of the skin. Coconut oil is easily absorbed, keeping the skin soft and without leaving oily shine. The use of coconut oil helps to reduce chronic inflammation of the skin during the day, providing a soothing and healing effect on blisters, rashes and dry skin.

3. Rosemary

Rosemary is a perennial forest plant with fragrant evergreen needles as leaves. It is widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Rosemary essential oil has not only soothing action (add a few drops of oil in water before taking a bath), but also is a good way to stimulate the skin and reduce itching (moisten a cotton pad in this oil and apply on the problem areas).

How to get rosemary:
– Prepare the leaves of rosemary dried stalks.
– Add 55 grams of dried rosemary leaves to 2 cups of oil grape seed. Warm at low temperature for three hours.
– Pour into a clean, sterilized glass container and store in a dry cool place.

4. Tomato juice

The tomato is a very useful component of human life. The tomato is a frequent product in your kitchen, which decorates your meals and salads. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has a positive impact on health. Preliminary studies have shown that lycopene can be considered as a potential agent in cancer prevention. Consumption of tomato juice, at least twice a day, is one of the effective methods to cure eczema due to the anti-oxidant effects of lycopene. The result will be effective.

5. Camomile

This plant has a calming, antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antispasmodic effect. According to studies, chamomile is included as a medicinal product in the Pharmacopoeia of the 26 countries. However, the usage of this plant is not limited only to medicine. In the case of eczema chamomile is effective in removing inflammation, restoration of skin tissue and the body itching and irritation of the skin.

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