Sore Throat Tea for Kids | Eczema Won't Win


I’ve been making this tea today for my dear daughter Clara (age 8) for a sore throat she has been complaining of (it’s been making it’s way around the house).  It’s worked so well for her that I wanted to share it so hopefully you or someone you love could benefit from it.

This recipe is for a child, I will note modifications you could make to make it more suitable for an adult (read: more potent)


1.5 cups of water

1 scant tsp cinnamon bark chips

4-5 whole cloves

1 pinch between the pointer finger and thumb of marshmallow root

Bring water to a boil then turn down to a simmer.  Add herbs and cover, simmering for 10 minutes.  Strain and add honey :) that’s it!

For an adult strength tea, add a little more or each herb and simmer for 20 minutes.  Also, this tea will still be helpful even if you don’t have marshmallow or clove – just use more cinnamon.

Happy Sipping!

Where I buy my herbs: Mountain Rose Herbs has been wonderful to work with.  The customer service is excellent and the herbs are so fresh, you will truly be amazed!  Their essential oils are also very good – a very good price and high quality.

Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony c

What is your favorite tea for a sore throat? Come chat with me on FB!

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