Hangout on Baby Food – Fish and Gluten Allergy | Eczema Blues

Caroline Mili Artiss cooks during OzSupernanny Hangout Eczema Baby Fish

This is the third Food Google Hangout with OzSuperNanny, Angela Jacobsen, and it is one of the Google+ event for Singapore #FoodieWebWeek

Chef Caroline Mili Artiss who is a TV chef with her own cookery show demonstrates live the fish pie recipe from Angela’s bookVivian Pei, Paula and Zurina Byrant and I attended (though I’m sort of hanging out offline cos it didn’t work for me online). Here are my questions answered, plus a background on food allergy.

1. Fish and Gluten 

On allergy, Angela’s suggestion is to keep a food journal. Especially for babies who are too young to be allergy tested (below 6 months – though there are varied opinions on this, check with your doc), keeping a food journal can help to identify suspected foods. On fish, it’s interesting, an extract from my earlier post ‘Will Introducing Fish Early Reduce Eczema

There are six common foods that make up majority of the allergic foods, and fish is one of them (the other five foods are milk, egg, soy, peanuts and wheat). Yet, there were a few studies conducted in Sweden and Norway that indicated a lower rate of eczema for children who started fish in their diets early. In a 2008 study, introduction of fish to babies before 9 month-old showed 24% less likelihood of getting eczema by one year old. In another study, one to two year old who ate fish once a week had 38% less likelihood of eczema. In the journalby American Academy of Pediatrics, late introduction of fish was strongly related to inhalant sensitization. Research had not measured notable reduction in eczema with intake of supplements nor were there differences between eating fish vis-à-vis omega-3 rich fish. It is also observed in countries that typically introduce fish in children’s diet early that there is a lower rate of fish allergy.

On gluten, there are studies that show cutting gluten helps eczema, but there is due to a higher likelihood of eczema patients having gluten sensitivity. If there is no allergy to gluten, then it wouldn’t result in an improvement.

2. Texture of Baby Food

I also asked about the texture of baby food, and the reply was to progress from pureed to mashed to finger food, by age and teeth of child. A quick way to prepare food is to prep the day before (which I hate to do) and Chef Vivian suggested using ingredients that are healthy (canned tuna) or fresh vegetable.

Click here for the video of the Hangout!

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