3 Great Home Remedies

With the costs of medical care and even over the counter health care products, more and more people are turning to home remedies to overcome a large number of health issues. There are a number of common household items that can help you fight a variety of problems from acne to allergies. Several are used often for many different purposes and perhaps one can help you!

Salt – that’s right, common household salt. Gargling with salt water can kill the bacteria in your mouth and help prevent many illnesses such as sore throats, problems with your gums, and it even fights bad breath. When the H1N1 virus was turning into an epidemic, one of the things health professionals advised people to do was gargle with salt water to prevent infection. Even the Mayo Clinic recommends this home remedy to relieve a sore throat. It is very simple, just put plain salt – not iodized, into warm water, mix and rinse your mouth with it. The water needs to taste salty for the rinse to be effective. You also need to do this at least once per day or more.
Hydrogen Peroxide – There is a host of uses for hydrogen peroxide from removing blood from clothing to getting rid of excess ear wax. Many people describe hydrogen peroxide as the best anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agent. It is a great way to keep your mouth healthy, whiten teeth and prevent canker sores. Just swish one capful in your mouth for ten minutes each day for a cleaner mouth and whiter teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is also a good wound care product. It will foam on contact which tells you that it is doing the job to kill any bacteria. If you have dried blood on clothing, furniture, or carpet, hydrogen peroxide will remove it completely. Make sure you test the colorfastness of the fabric before you treat it.
Apple Cider Vinegar – This remedy will take care of a variety of ailments from warts to acid reflux. To remove a wart, simply soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and put the cotton ball on the wart. Use a bandage to keep it in place. Leave it on overnight and follow the same procedure every night for a week. At first the wart may ache as the vinegar starts to work, but then it will turn black and in a couple of weeks disappear completely. To get rid of acid reflux, put two to three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in eight ounces of water. Drink this solution before meals or whenever you feel acid reflux coming on. It seems strange that something like vinegar would help with heartburn, but it does. Perhaps it helps to maintain a healthy ph level in the stomach and therefore reduces the painful acid flare-ups.

There are many home remedies that have been tried and tested through the years. They are inexpensive and for the most part effective. However, if a condition persists you should see a health professional for additional care. Home remedies have their place and are helpful to both your wallet and your family’s health.

Piper is a freelance writer who enjoys fitness and the outdoors. She enjoys making apple cider with fresh apples in the fall. She enjoys nature, reading and fitness. She encourages others to get a juice maker to make healthy juice for their family as well.

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