SilDerm – Scar Share

Almost everyone will be affected by scarring at some point in their life. They can have a lasting psychological impact on top of the obvious physical effect. However, SilDerm don’t want people to be embarrassed of their scars. Which is why we’re launching #ScarShare. Empowering people to share their personal experiences.

Most, if not all, scars have a story behind how they happened. At SilDerm we want to hear the stories behind your scars. Whether it’s an old sporting injury or surgical scars from a lifesaving operation we want to hear how you earned your battle scars.

There are simple and easy ways to treat scars effectively to reduce the redness and flatten the skin.

Firstly, the key to scar management understanding what type of scar you have. There are 3 main types.

  • Hypertrophic scars are what the majority of people with develop. These are red and raised and generally found along the length of the trauma.
  • Burn Scars. Most burns will cause scars as they tend to heal slower than most other wound types. Early treatment is recommended with the use of silicone and massage.
  • Keloid scars are usually formed after a trauma or wound but spread way from the original wound. Skin which is either very light or very dark tend to be more prone to keloids as there is believed to be a genetic link to the formation of keloids.

The larger or older a scar is, the longer it will take to see improvements however these are our 3 tips for managing scars.

1. Protect in the Sun

The sun could make the scar worse. The inflammation in the healing tissue and sun exposure can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), which in turn could cause the scar and surrounding skin to turn dark brown. Ideally you should keep the scar covered or shaded from direct sun. While active in the sun make sure you wear a high SPF sunscreen such as SunSense Ultra SPF50.

2. Massage

Massaging your scar (once it is healed and no sutures) is an effective way to decrease scar tissue. A top tip from SilDerm would be to use SilDerm Dual Action Scar Gel, the unique roller head with 3 metal balls will help massage the scar. This will soften the scar tissue and reduces redness and pain.

3. Early Treatment

Start treating a new scar as soon as the wound has healed doing this with the SilDerm Scar range can reduce the redness of the scar and flatten it within two weeks1. Continue the treatment for 90 days for best results. The older the scar is when treatment commences the longer it can take to see a change.

Whether your scar is old or new, operational or not, let us know your scar story by using #ScarShare across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The most inspiring story will win a free SilDerm Scar Bundle.


1. Wound Repair Regen. 2010 Mar-Apr;18(2):235-44.Occlusion regulates epidermal cytokine production and inhibits scar formation

Content Supplied by Crawford Healthcare Ltd.

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