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The Hatha Yoga Pradipika For Holistic Health

There are a number of classical texts that Yoga teachers should become familiar with. Among them are the Gheranda Samhita, Shiva Samhita, and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It is believed that the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, written by Swami Svatmarama, is the oldest of these three texts.

There are a number of techniques that are covered within the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, such as – Asanas, Bandhas, Pranayama, Mudras, Dietary Suggestions, Shatkarmas, and more. What we realize, when reviewing the classical texts, is how much detail is given to the subject of self-care and holistic health.

It is easy to think that all the clever secrets of holistic health have recently been invented. However, many forms of asana, stretching, and exercise were around for thousands of years before the Hatha Yoga Pradipika was written.

If we want to draw any conclusions from the classical texts, in regard to our daily health, we might want to consider the following:

Relaxation and Meditation should become a daily ritual. At the same time, if you are experiencing bouts of insomnia, you may want to consider trying any number of relaxation techniques at bedtime. Personally, I tend to favor the stage-by-stage relaxation method. However, many people have success with body scanning relaxation, listening to relaxing music, and relaxation methods, based upon visualization.

It is extremely important that we keep our body clean. How much time do you see animals spend cleaning themselves? By this, we should at least be as clean as a cat, bird, or monkey. If you have ever had a chance to observe them, they spend a lot of time cleaning themselves.

The body also needs physical activity. No matter who we are – the energy in our body should be expelled in a constructive way. The body is, in fact, an organic machine, which is designed to be in motion. Too much sitting is not good for the hips, the skeleton, or the spine; add to this that sufficient calories are not burned by sitting the entire day.

Therefore, a daily routine of asanas, pranayama, walking, swimming, and other activities that you enjoy, should be performed with regularity. There are too many diseases, which can result from excessive sitting – such as, heart problems, high blood pressure, blood pooling into the lower legs, which results in clots – and many more ailments.

Finally, as mentioned within the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, there are foods which are considered injurious to a Yogi. At the same time, these foods are injurious to anyone. Albeit – diets have changed, and our knowledge of dietary benefits has improved immensely, over the past couple of centuries. Needless to say, eating wisely improves your chances of a better quality life.

© Copyright 2009 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

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Options For Effective Holistic ADHD Solutions

According to a report in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, children in America have available to them holistic ADHD solutions that are more commonly used with European children. Since ADHD also affects adults, it’s possible that the same situation exists for them.

Studies are showing that symptoms of ADD/ADHD are holding some people back from achieving their potential. With children, the effects of ADHD can negatively affect their learning abilities which can of course carry on into adulthood and have an impact on what opportunities will open up for them.

ADHD is not an indicator of intellectual potential. Actually, it’s commonly known that people with ADHD have very high creative potential available to them, it’s just a matter of addressing the issue of focus. Recognizing and addressing the difficulties with focus and concentration is the first step in overcoming them.

In the USA, the majority of children and adults with ADHD are treated with the stimulant drug, methylphenidate (Ritalin). Some estimates are that there has been a 300% increase in use of Ritalin by children and adults with ADHD in the last several decades…

Since there are no concrete tests for diagnosing ADHD, there is some concern that it may in fact be overdiagnosed. Although many people do OK with the popular stimulant drugs, there often are side effects and risk of addiction and possible withdrawal symptoms are other relevant issues.

If you’re concerned about the risks that come with conventional ADHD prescription medication, or just prefer to go the natural route, there are natural ADHD solutions that can safely and economically address symptoms, plus they’re readily available without the need for a prescription.

Herbal and homeopathic remedies are an example of ADHD solutions that are more commonly used in Europe than in America. These remedies naturally help support focus, concentration and attentiveness without side effects.

Known for their supportive function, these remedies have been shown in clinical studies to help in maintaining brain, nervous system and circulatory health, as well as mood and overall well-being. It can also be helpful to explore changes in diet, sleep, exercise, and daily routine.

Other holistic ADHD solutions that natural health care providers are finding to be helpful and add to the effectiveness of herbal and homeopathic remedies, are lifestyle and behavioral modification neuro feedback and relaxation therapies such as guided imagery and meditation techniques.

Max Wardlow writes from experience about ADHD and helps manage a website about natural remedies where you can find out more about holistic ADHD solutions.

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The way to Cure Acne Holistically

Daily life is often horrid after you experience with acne, nevertheless there is usually a way to banish spots for very good with only a couple of simple way of living modifications. It’s not a issue of “developing out of it” or discovering the strongest medication, it really is about dealing aided by the underlying lead to.

No Lotion Is Actually Moving To Cure Acne

The technology behind placing a topical medication for example benzol peroxide in your skin color to deal with acne is fundamentally floored, credited to the indisputable fact that acne can be an internal imbalance that creates an external symptom (acne). You may come across that making use of solutions like salicylic acid and benzol peroxide assist to decrease the measurement of some spots or temporally clear some areas with the pores and skin but as soon as you stop they quickly come back. So you can see that by smearing your epidermis with sturdy chemical substances is in no way proceeding to cure the condition and may perhaps even cause skin tone irritation… including towards the redness!

The sole way to clear acne for great would be to correct the internal trouble.

Addressing The Problem

Your skin is the biggest organ in the body and it is major operate is toxin elimination. Our system’s are bombarded with poisons externally and internally using a day-to-day basis, around time our body starts to battle to remove the create up of toxins along with the human body commences to “push them out”, resulting in acne.

To actually handle the problem you will need to assist the body to purge it is really self of the poisonous create up, the one way you are able to do this is for making way of living adjustments that you can implement on your day-to-day regimen. Diet regime, work out, anxiety management and sleeping habits are all components of the method in dealing with acne.

For more health information, Click visit in here.

Ovarian Cysts Natural Cures – Treat the Cause and Eliminate the Symptoms Using Holistic Methods!

Ovarian cysts natural cures should be a woman’s first treatment if she has an ovarian cyst. I don’t like to contradict conventional medicine, but as someone who has already has surgery for ovarian cysts, I feel that women should at least be given the option. If you have ever suffered from painful cysts, lost time from work and family or are just tired of being unhealthy, you should learn about natural remedies can help women cure their ovarian cysts before they start.

The Conventional Medicine Gap in Ovarian Cysts Treatment

Fortunately, conventional medicine has benefited society in a way that is priceless. Vaccines have eliminated disease, cancer can be cured and lives are saved every day from conventional medicine. Unfortunately, conventional medicine has left major gaps in some treatments. Ovarian cysts are one of those conditions that have traditionally been left to conventional methods like surgery or medication (like birth control pills). Why doctors never looked at what was causing women to have cysts in the first place is a mystery. That is where holistic treatments come in.

Using Natural Methods to Cure Ovarian Cysts

Holistic medicine treats both the mind and the body in combination, not as if they where separate systems. Additionally, natural methods use the body’s natural healing power to cure itself. For example, by eliminating estrogen rich foods, avoiding processed foods and taking natural hormonal balancing supplements, I was able to cure my ovarian cysts and avoid another surgery.

Although I truly believe that conventional medicine has it’s place, I am also a believer in holistic medicine. Taking some medications only mask the symptoms but offer no cure. On the other hand, alternative medicine takes into account why the problem happened in the first place. That’s was the missing link in my treatment.

To find out more details on how I treated the cause of my ovarian cysts and found an alternative cure, please visit Natural Cures

Article Source:

Holistic Therapies on the Rise – 5 Benefits of Holistic Therapies

More and more people are now looking to take control and responsibility for the own health and happiness instead of relying on traditional medicine once a medical concern presents itself. Holistic Therapies are a natural way to heal allowing one to treat and heal themselves, without expensive and often toxic medication found in conventional medications.

In America it is estimated people are spending a billion dollars annually on alternative health products such as vitamins, herbs and alternate healing. Studies have also shown that Alternative Therapies and Complementary Therapies have been used by 72 million people in America alone which shows people are becoming more and more open to holistic healing therapies.

There are many different types of Healing available which included Hands on Healing, Reiki, Faith Healing, Herbs, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Massage, Reflexology, Crystal Healing, Acupuncture and Chiropractic. The choice of therapy a person prefers is individual and people are guided by what they feel most comfortable with.

5 Benefits of Holistic Therapies

1. These types of therapies can be used to heal medical problems but also are a very powerful form of preventative medicine as well, using only natural ingredients and healing methods, with no toxic effects on the body.

2. They are excellent for stress relief which is believed to be one of the major causes of disease and illness world wide today.

3. They are also excellent in controlling pain relief for many people on a daily basis i.e. Reiki or any form of hands on healing.

4. Generally these therapies are inexpensive especially compared with traditional medical treatments and consultations.

5. Holistic therapies heal a person on all levels including physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually which traditional medicine often overlooks when treating a patient.

Naturally at times you will need to consult your doctor for treatment although when incorporating healing therapies into your lifestyle many people have found this to be greatly reduced.

Holistic Therapies treats the whole person on all levels which promotes a healthier way of living whilst allowing the individual to maintain control of their own health and happiness. To learn more about holistic healing and the benefits visit for further information.

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Why A Natural Cure For Ringing In The Ears Is Achieveable Through Holistic Medicine

If you’re looking for a natural cure for ringing in the ears then please read on… Natural cures for tinnitus are increasingly being sought after because of the lack of a proven medical cure for tinnitus. Here you’ll learn why a totally holistic approach to a cure for ringing ears, and used by thousands and thousands of sufferers, can be extremely effective in eliminating your tinnitus for good.

But first, before discussing the facts about a natural cure for ringing in the ears, let’s see what tinnitus is, and its symptoms…

Although you, as a tinnitus sufferer, can hear the noises called ‘ringing in the ears’, no one else can, and, there is no external source providing the noise. And because you are the only one that can hear the noises, this is called ‘subjective’ tinnitus. This is by far the most prevalent type of tinnitus. However, there is a second kind called ‘objective’ tinnitus. This is where a physician can also hear the sounds you hear if they use a special instrument.

But although tinnitus is referred to as ‘ringing in the ears’ there are actually a range of noises that tinnitus sufferers hear. Victims can hear one of the following sounds; hissing, whooshing, roaring, ringing, ticking, knocking and even more. The actual sound is thought to be as a direct result of the underlying issue causing the tinnitus.

In terms of medical treatments, it should be realized that there isn’t a proven cure for ringing in the ears. Mainstream treatments range from drugs, technical solutions, all the way through to surgery. But, even with these, around 93 to 95% of sufferers never get complete relief from the ringing in the ears. At best, all you can expect is a lowering of the levels of sound, and even this may only be temporary.

This is why so many more sufferers like yourself are looking for a natural cure for ringing ears. Now, there are many natural tinnitus remedies out their, but some work better than others. And, even though some work really well for some people, there is no guarantee that they’ll work the same for others. This is because the underlying causes are different, and, at lot also depends on how bad the ear ringing is.

Popular natural cures for ringing ears are herbal remedies, homeopathy, dietary changes, natural supplements, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and so on. But, as with mainstream treatment, unless the underlying conditions are recognized and addressed, a permanent cure can be allusive.

There are many known triggers for ringing in the ears, but they can be summarized under three main headings; noise-damaged hearing, stress and sinus problems. But a further problem with diagnosing the underlying root cause, is that frequently it just isn’t possible to find the cause. This is where a more multi-dimensional approach — using a broad sweep of natural and alternative cures — can be effective.

Using this totally holistic approach, without drugs or risky invasive surgery, will give you the very best chance to eliminate your tinnitus for good. By getting to know all the natural and alternative remedies for ringing ears out there, and their individual benefits, you’ll be putting yourself in the 5% or so of tinnitus sufferers who have achieved a natural cure for ringing in the ears…

So, to get even more info. on a natural cure for ringing in the ears, plus, the facts on how you can beat the ringing ears in as little as 2 months (with dramatic relief in as little as 7 days), using a simple 5-step holistic system, please visit:

Really Holistic Healing

Really holistic healing includes western allopathic healing, as well as Ayur Vedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other ancient and more recent healing techniques. I read the other day that science was invented 500 years or so ago, in Europe. That is utterly ridiculous. Indian, Chinese and Persian civilizations have been building hospitals and providing scientific healing techniques for thousands of years.

They may not use the exact philosophy and procedures that western science does, but to imply that eastern science is inferior to western science is just arrogant hubris.

Right now, the US government is debating the nationalization of health care. I am actually kind of neutral about that. I hear good arguments on both sides. However, the president of the USA is the leader of the American people, and I am willing to follow him. He says he wants national health care, so I say, ok let’s get it done.

My point in this article, is getting the western allopathic medicine to work in harmony with, and stop suppressing, the alternate healing techniques that are available.

The most important principle I propose is that all kinds of doctors and healers are teachers and advisers, servants, not directors or saviors. It is the patients who are responsible and accountable for their own health and welfare, not the doctors and counselors. This is a philosophical point that should be taught in all medical schools. I avoid the medical establishment, because of the attitude of superiority that is so blatant, and ingrained in their culture.

And this principle extends into all aspects of human society. The educational establishment is the real source of this modern day caste system. They are selling education and promoting this attitude that if your knowledge doesn’t conform to their standards, then it isn’t real knowledge. Its like an intellectual monopoly, the dream police (Cheap Trick).

As much as I try to make this a positive article, I just can’t avoid my attitude, that the attitude of superiority that our schools are selling, is causing the corruption of our civilization. It is counter revolutionary, replacing our rule of law, with the rule of man that we rejected during the founding of the United States.

I suppose it goes all the way back to Plato’s Republic, defining a hierarchical society. And I like Plato and his philosophy. It really gets sinister with Nietchze, Freud, Marx, Engels and even Adam Smith promoting self interest as the most productive economic principle, and that whole so called process of enlightenment, and the rise of the secular humanist state.

Now our schools are teaching kids that most human beings are animals, organized into this hierarchical state, ruled by a superior class of human beings. And of course, the superior class of human beings are defined by education and credentials. Of course education, and even credentials, are good. It is laws, requiring people to have certain credentials to do certain jobs, that is oppressive. Oppression is the absence of justice.

The diversity in human nature is one of our greatest strengths. There is no ‘one size fits all’ for educating and training human beings. Real free enterprise is the best solution to poverty, not this fascist state that governs every aspect of life on earth. This attitude is also contributing to the corruption of our business organizations, and our economy. I agree, that capitalism is the most successful philosophy of economics ever practiced. It has produced more wealth for more people than any other system.

Being based on self interest and competition, capitalism is inherently corrupt, and unsustainable. Selflessness and cooperation, justice and compassion, are superior motivations for a spiritual solution to our economic problem.
We can not afford to allow a few aggressive people to rule over the vast majority of people, who just want to live in peace and harmony, with each other and our natural habitat.

The rule of law is an inherent attribute of human nature. Freedom is lawful, not lawless. The USA has been so successful, because it has unleashed the creative freedom of the American people. Our educational establishment is replacing the rule of law in the conscience of our people, with the rule of lawyers, and other elite ruling class people, who attain their elite status through education. And now, our government is legislating laws that overrule ancient laws and principles, and control the minute details of our lives.

America needs to love and respect life, and steadfastly stand for freedom, equality and justice for all people everywhere.

The United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the philosophy of the next generation of human civilization. It is cooperative, peaceful, and superior to the self interest and competition that is terrorizing the people of earth.

Peace be with you all.

by Bob Mccoy is a holistic healing and teaching system. is my blog about improving myself and helping others.

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Prevention And Cure For Face Eczema

Face eczema is gruesome – that is the harsh reality that you need to deal with if you have it right now or if you constantly have bouts of it. Common manifestations of eczema on face are the swelling of the eyelids and the lips. Groups of itching red bumps may also show up in the area surrounding the eyes, on the cheeks, and any part of the face. No matter where on the face these eczema rashes appear, it all comes down to the fact that they are on your face – the same face that you take with you when you go out in public to face the world.

Unless tolerance to public shame is your expertise, it is best that you stay away from the public for the meantime while you haven’t yet treated the eczema on your face. Really, are you going to risk getting hurt from the reactions that people are going to throw at you when you walk out of your home? Not everyone will be able to understand that your face eczema was just caused by something that you ate or some other allergen that came in contact with your face. And you can’t explain to all of them either that this is the case or that face eczema or any type of eczema isn’t contagious. Anyway, eczema of the face is fairly easy to treat as its symptoms will subside within minutes after applying an eczema cream, or within hours after ingesting an allergy medication. So you won’t be staying home for that long.

The best cream for face eczema is one that is mild and gentle on the skin but is still able to effectively lessen the eczema on your face within minutes after application. The skin on your face is more sensitive than the rest of your body which is why you need to take the extra precaution of using mild creams only. When you buy a brand of eczema cream for the first time, don’t apply it over all your facial rashes just yet. Apply it first on a portion of your rashes and look at it again after 30 minutes to an hour to see if there has been any improvement. If there has been an improvement, then that is the time that you can use the cream on other areas of your face. However, if you did not see any improvements within this time or the rashes somehow worsened, discard the cream and try another brand.

You can also take in medications that were prescribed by your doctor. As long as they were prescribed by a licensed physician, it is almost guaranteed that you will be relieved from the symptoms of face eczema. However, the down side of these medications is that they usually have side effects like drowsiness and sleepiness. So it will be best to take a day off when taking them. Never attempt to buy over-the-counter oral medications for eczema too. This can be very dangerous and you might accidentally overdose yourself since you don’t know the proper dosage of these medications.

Ideally, it is best that you keep away from anything that can possibly irritate your face. This includes foods you are allergic to, touching plants, and the use of cosmetics and other facial skin care products. But since you cannot completely keep away from these – especially cosmetics and skin care products – what you can do is choose products that are tagged as mild and “hypoallergenic”. These products are less likely to cause the eczema on your face to recur. Also, be more aware of where your hands go. Most of the time, our hands touch our face without us even noticing. There might be some allergens where your hands came in contact with before touching your face so if you want to keep away from face eczema, keep your hands away from your face.

Charles Perkins is a skin care expert. For more information related to eczema of the face visit

Holistic Remedies For Fibroids

If you are considering trying holistic remedies for fibroids, then you have made a wise decision. Many women believe that the only options available to them to deal with their fibroids are invasive surgical procedures or using hormone-blocking drugs and this means that they are possibly missing out on an option which has been used very successfully by thousands of women.

There are many unanswered questions as far as fibroids are concerned. Doctors are unable to determine the exact cause in an individual although they do know of the range of factors which are likely to have contributed. We know enough to understand that fibroids are related to lifestyle, diets, hereditary factors and hormone levels and we also know that if the root causes are eliminated, then fibroids cannot grow.

One way of eliminating the causes is to use holistic remedies for fibroids. This “whole body” approach ensures that each and every possible cause is eliminated. The downside is that although the protocols are easy to follow, some women find them restrictive and as you do not know which possible factors are relevant in your case, it is necessary to follow the whole set of protocols. However, many women actually find that they find that they enjoy playing such an active part in their own treatment and find holistic remedies satisfying to use as they begin to enjoy better health overall.

The main protocols of holistic remedies for fibroids include:-

* Significant dietary changes
* Whole body cleansing
* Taking exercise
* Detoxification
* Management of stress
* Using alternative therapies such as acupressure and acupuncture
* Using dietary supplements
* Herbal treatments

I always warn ladies that when holistic treatment is correctly undertaken, although the rewards can be tremendous, it is a “labor intensive” method and only suitable for those with motivation. It requires daily vigilance and determination and you can rely on nobody but yourself to see this through. However, for those who see it through, many begin to get symptomatic relief within a couple of days and measurable shrinkage within weeks and if you can get through the first few days, the initial results are often all the inspiration you need to complete the program.

Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.

If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.

Further information on holistic remedies for fibroids is available at The 3 Step Plan.

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Benefits Of Holistic Medicine

When one is experiencing pain or discomfort due to an illness or medical condition, they often turn towards a medical health professional to help them overcome their sickness. Some go to their usual doctor while others opt for a more natural approach to medicine, i.e. holistic medicine. In a nutshell, this kind of medicine is a non-invasive, natural method for curing an individual of an illness or helping them with their everyday symptoms. With holistic medicine there are certain benefits not often seen with general practice medicine. The following will offer some of the benefits which patients seek and receive from holistic medical providers.

Non-Invasive Treatment

Holistic medicine often provides treatment for the patient which is non-invasive in nature. A holistic doctor Florida will try to seek out non-invasive treatments first before recommending invasive procedures. This approach is based around the natural alternatives as well as the comfort of the patient. This is a benefit often appreciated by patients seeking alternative medicine treatments.

Medicine with a Natural Feel

Holistic doctors Florida will also offer help with a natural feel. These treatments are often based around physical therapy, acupuncture and other natural remedies. General medicine is more clinical than the holistic variety and is not a preferable option for those who desire something more natural.

Cost Is Less with Holistic Medicine

Those patients who are on a budget will also find the price tag of holistic medicine to be more favorable. General medicine and surgical interventions can be quite pricey whereas holistic medicine is often less. If you are looking for a good price and still wish to obtain health treatments, the price of such medication may be another positive aspect for you.

If you need treatment for a certain illness and alternative medicine is available for such a condition, contact a holistic doctor Florida to see what options you have when it comes to this type of treatment regimen.

Florida health clinic offers primary care and family care medical services in Naples FL. For more information about health clinic florida like Korunda Medical Institute, visit