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Help 101 – Natural Remedies For Candida

With going au naturelle being a proven path in medicinal cures, natural remedies for Candida may be the answer to your vaginal infection woes. And since they are natural, they are easily accessible to anyone with common sense, self discipline, and the luck to get out of stressful situations and polluted environments.

Although Candida albicans, the specific class of Candida that causes yeast infection, is present in our bodies, they live at relatively harmless states. That is, until they multiply and their growth is beyond our system’s control. It is at this stage that they become a disease.

Fungi, being highly communicable, make yeast infection fairly common. All the more is it extra likely to manifest in women in the form of vaginal infection. This is due to the fact that the female’s reproductive organ’s anatomical structure (wow, that’s a mouthful!) encourages moisture buildup that subsequently leads to the escalation in the growth of Candida. Furthermore, women go through hormonal changes at least once a month. The resultant rise and fall in the acidity level of the genitals promotes the growth of these microorganisms. Additionally, with the monthly period comes the issue of hygiene: during menstruation, the demands to keep the body clean are much more pertinent. Failure to do so may not only lead to vanginitis (or inflammation of that region) but to other illnesses as well, such as urinary tract infection or UTI. Although these all sounds highly technical, all it means is the women’s genitalia can harbor more germs than men as they provide better conditions for its growth. Talk about tough luck!

What then are the possible natural remedies for Candida? One of the simplest, albeit also the hardest, way is to keep one’s self fit and strong. Our bodies have been innately built to withstand external elements that can harm it. As with the “survival of the fittest” concept, each of us is wired to fight off infection to preserve our existence. Thus, our immune systems are naturally capable of regulating potentially dangerous microbes like the Candida. But as with the fashion police, some miscreants are still bound to slip up (take for instance Bjork, who is now an icon every Golden Globe awards). Some people likewise have malfunctioning immune systems, and so other means should be sought.

We then go to the next natural thing: our diets. There is a saying that goes, “You are what you eat”. So are you a pig or a nut? Kidding aside, experts agree that the presence of certain mineral deposits can increase fungal population. One such mineral is fructose, a.k.a. sugar. A high fructose diet can lead to a number of illnesses, not just yeast infection, but something worse as in diabetes mellitus. On the other hand, certain substances can inhibit the growth of hazardous microbes. Cranberry juice is one of these. Cranberry juice is popularly accepted as a natural product that fights infection. Obstetricians even recommend it to pregnant women to prevent them from vaginal and urinary tract infections. Now that is more reason to drink up!

Another thing to consider is our lifestyle, more specifically our relationships. Promiscuity promotes pathogens; irresponsibility, illnesses. If sticking to one partner throughout your lifestyle seems to be a candidate for Mission Impossible, then at least think “safety” in every encounter. As one line in the movie starring Cuba Gooding goes, “You might be happy for a night, but syphilis lasts a lifetime”. Same with most infections, the momentary bliss may lead to endless. Aren’t we thankful science has come up with most of the cures?

In a nutshell, curing yeast infections is as natural as having the fungi in our bodies. All we need to do is to use our heads, wash our hands, and keep ourselves healthy.

Puneet writes a blog about well-researched natural remedies for Candida. He is open & willing to help you with your health problems. His Blog, makes up for interesting, every-day reading.

Natural Home Remedies For Gout Arthritis Pain

Gout Arthritis can be very painful and some people have described it as walking on glass.  This said, treating gout is two fold.  You want to eliminate the source or reason why you get gout and reduce the pain by taking things that will naturally reduce inflammation in the joints and areas that are affected.  In this article, I am going to go over some natural home remedies to treat gout pain.

Fish Oil – Personally, I recommend eating your cold water fish (cod, mackerel, herring, sardines, salmon, ect.) to get your omega 3’s but since most prefer fried fish or don’t like fish at all, you can always opt for fish oil, either in liquid form or in capsules.  Frankly, I have not found a better food than cold water fish that will help with inflammation in joints.  Fish oil is good for all types of arthritis…even metabolic arthritis aka gout.
Quercitin is another natural anti-inflammatory that can be used to reduce the pain that gout causes.  Once again, I suggest eating the foods that are high in quercetin such as capers (which are great on salmon by the way), apples, organic tomatoes, green leafy vegetables and berries (all types).  That said, you can find quercetin in health food stores like whole foods grocery in capsule form.
Cayenne Pepper – Cayenne pepper has a huge amount of other health benefits but it works very well for reducing inflammation.  Use it as a topical aid.  Mix a little pepper with some vinegar, bring to a boil and let it cool.  Then dab it on the affected areas.  If this seems too much for you, you can also buy Capsicum cream from your grocery.
Turmeric powder – Chinese and Ayurvedic cultures have been using the things that they cook with as herbal remedies for common ailments for thousands of years.  Turmeric is reportedly a powerful anti-flammatory spice that will help reduce overall inflammation in the body.

These are just a few of the natural home remedies for gout arthritis.  The reality is that there are tons of options that you have to help prevent gout pain that don’t require doctor administered medication, which I don’t recommend.  Try some of these suggestions out to see if it helps…

Want to see more ways to relieve gout pain?

The Best Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

There are so many people all over the world suffering in silence from the condition known as hemorrhoids. For the most part it remains a less serious condition but that does not mean that it does not cause people a great deal of annoyance and pain. Sometimes you may just not want to discuss the problem with others because of the embarrassing subject matter. Either way, in most cases hemorrhoids can be cured safely from your home using natural hemorrhoid remedies. It should also be noted that if you are experiencing considerable pain and/or bleeding it is important to visit a doctor.

Natural Hemorrhoid Remedy

In order to cure a mild case of hemorrhoids naturally it is important to soothe the area that is causing itching, burning and pain and at the same time make sure that you change your diet and/or lifestyle.

The absolute fastest way to get hemorrhoid relief would be to buy over-the-counter ointments and gels and apply them periodically but especially after a bowel movement. It will also help to wipe yourself clean with witch hazel. Combine this with a stool softener and that should provide relief within the next couple days.

You can achieve relief for a mild case in a more natural way but using pure ointments such as aloe. Witch hazel is still an excellent recommendation due to the fact that it is a natural astringent. However instead of just taking a stool softener a better solution would be to increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Eat some bran for breakfast and keep up your vegetable and fruit intake. It is also important to continue to drink plenty of water to keep things running smoothly.

If your case of hemorrhoids is considered moderate or severe it is still important to use the same treatments that would be used for a mild case. It may help you to check in with a doctor but also keep in mind that there are natural alternative treatments to consider before surgery. Some of these treatments are available online and they are made up of all natural ingredients. Natural ingredients such as Butcher’s Broom and Horse Chestnut can improve blood circulation and the strength of blood vessel walls. Be sure to pay attention to recommended dosage amounts as well as signs for any allergic reactions.

For the best tips and information on how to cure hemorrhoids, visit

Natural Home Remedies For IBS

The most practical and convenient way to get rid of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is Irritable Bowel Home Remedy. For patients who cannot afford to see the doctor for essential medical treatment, this is a beneficial method. This article gives you information about those remedies you can do at home to stop once and for all IBS without having to spend a big amount of money.


Irritable bowel syndrome home remedy can be found in our humble kitchen, all you’ve got to do is patiently look for them in your spice rack, or your favorite grocery stores. This particular remedy has been researched, tested and proven by herbalists and doctors, to be proven safe and effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome, If you have some unsweetened yogurt from fresh cow’s milk, mix it with coarsely pounded cumin seeds and add a dash of salt to your yogurt. If you do not have this in your own home, you may also try some cabbage. Simply make it into a juice. Rinse completely the cabbage to remove the pesticides and other chemicals in it. For those of you who will not appreciate the taste of cabbage juice, have it cooked and convert it into powdered form.


Irritable bowel syndrome home remedy can also indicate a change in your lifestyle. Though you may not readily adapt to these changes physically and psychologically, just always bear I mind that you heading towards long – term solution and not for temporary ones. First, do some food experiments especially about fiber. However, when you use the fiber food test, sometimes it can make cramping more painful. The solution to this is to little by little, increase its amount in your daily diet, at least for a few weeks. Some examples of these are whole grains, vegetables and beans.


Irritable bowel syndrome home remedy constitutes the avoidance of triggering foods that might worsen IBS. Chocolates, coffee, alcohol, and spicy edible materials must be avoided


Irritable bowel syndrome home remedy solution includes some fruits that can effectively banish IBS for good. These are the following:


1.Carrots – These help in regulating diarrhea and constipation. It is better therefore to eat them uncooked. Or, just cook them and mix it with your favorite salads


2.Pears – Sweet and fresh pears are the best ones for IBS. Buy the unripened ones. Let it ripe at room temperature for a couple of days


Check it out now to become well again and enjoy living.


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Natural Herbal Remedies For Acne

There are a lot of people that have struggled with acne all of their lives and then there are those fortunate few who have no clue of what it is really is about! Others again only experience it slightly through their teen years and never have to deal with it again! And then there are also a small number of unlucky people that only break out later in their adulthood.

The main question of what really causes acne still remains on so many people’s minds. Well, multiple factors actually contribute to this problem.

One is a change in what they call keratin – a protein produced by skin cells. Excess keratin can clump together and block the oil ducts within the hair follicles, producing bumps that all of mankind knows as spots or pimples. The actual bacteria that live in these hair follicles can also play a role in acne problems. Natural Herbal Remedies For Acne could be of help with this particular problem. Ever heard of face smoothies? Well, fruit acids help to get rid of the excess keratin and dead skin cells! Blend grapes, strawberries or pineapple husks in a blender and apply the mixture like a mask. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off. Alternatively, look for products containing fruit acids – they act like commercial salicylic acid formulas without the side effects.

Acne seems to affect boys and girls equally in their teens, but adult acne are more common in woman than in men! The main explanation according to the experts seems to be the hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle.

Other things that have been blamed for acne like eating chocolates or diet-related theories remain unproved! They have in fact no good and definite evidence behind them. (Good news for all the chocolate lovers out there!)

Unfortunately many people still believe that acne is associated with dirty skin, this resulting in them aggressively washing and scrubbing their faces. Frequent washing in actual fact aggravates the condition tremendously. Besides, washing morning and evening with a mild cleanser is sufficient enough and actually the better option.

Following is a list of 11 Natural Herbal Remedies For Acne. This being:

1. Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia): This Australian tree is used externally and acts against the bacteria associated with acne.
2. Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia): This well known herb is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent.
3. Burdock (Arctium lappa): This root is taken internally to promote sweating and urination.
4. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): This root taken internally also disposes of unwanted skin bacteria. In addition, it stimulates digestion, supports the liver and is moderately anti-inflammatory.
5. Calendula (Calendula officinalis): This traditional herbal remedy is for many skin problems. It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
6. Agnus castus (Vitex agnus-castus): Not to be used if you are pregnant! This aids acne when it is hormone related.
7. Oregon Graperoot (Berberis aquifolium) and Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis): Do not use either of these herbs internally when you are pregnant! External use is safe though. Both these herbs assist in two ways. Firstly, they promote good digestion and liver function. Secondly, berberine, which both herbs contain, is a potent antibacterial herb.
8. Camomile (Matricaria recutita)
This flowery herb contains the anti-inflammatory oil azulene, which is applied externally.
9. Rose (Rosa spp.): A heavenly smelling, soothing flower with antiseptic properties for external use.
10. Grapefruit Seed Extract : This is a potent antimicrobial agent that fights bacteria externally.
11. Aloe (Aloe Vera): A soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial gel. Buy only the pure gel and use topically.

You can read more in detail about these natural herbal remedies for acne HERE.

More Natural Remedies For Eczema Articles

5 Great Natural Home Remedies For Dogs

Do you ever find yourself wondering about the safety of the over-the-counter pet products you buy from your vet or at the pet supply store? There are certainly many reasons to be concerned, especially if you stop to read the long list of almost unpronounceable ingredients contained in those products. This is why many loving dog owners today have turned to natural home remedies for dogs as an alternative to using questionable and possibly dangerous commercial products.

Many of these natural home remedies for dogs are quite easy to obtain. For example, do you have garlic in your kitchen? Most people do and use it to cook up tasty dishes but never consider that it is an effective flea repellant.

What about mineral oil, olive oil or almond oil? These are also common household items that can be used for a variety of different purposes. Did you know that they are also effective for treating ear infections or ear mites in dogs?

Do you treat your own skin with Vitamin E? It’s a common way to soothe irritated and dry skin. If your dog suffers from irritated skin as a result of allergies, try applying a bit to their skin to see rapid improvement.

What about oats? They are excellent for adding to your dog’s bath water if he has problems with allergies and as a result spends a lot of time itching and scratching. Just a handful of oats added to your dog’s bath water can help to soothe his irritated skin.

Epsom salts are excellent additives if your dog has problems with his feet. Just add a bit to some water and then soak your dog’s feet. Remember to take care that he does not drink the water.

Natural home remedies for dogs are safe, easy and inexpensive solutions to many health problems that may plague your dog.

Do you want to discover more about how you can heal your dog naturally? For more information on natural home remedies for dogs click on

What are Natural Remedies For Constipation?

Constipation is one of the common problems of today’s people. It is the side effects of digestive problems and is caused due to an unhealthy colon. The frequency of the movement of the bowel varies from person to person.

For a person the bowel movement might happen once in a day while for somebody else it might happen twice to thrice in a day. On the other hand, some person might have it just thrice or four times a week. You are considered to have constipation if you pass a dry and hard stool less than thrice every week.

Causes of constipation can be many. It can be caused due to irregular meals and wrong food habits. To solve this you need remedies for constipation.

Constipation can also occur due to certain psychological causes like depression, tension, extreme emotions and even due to climatic conditions. Constipation can be caused by eating unhygienic foods and even eating the foods in an unhygienic condition.

There are number of ways with the help of which you can get rid of constipation but the best way is to use the natural remedies for constipation. However, before going for any particular remedy you need to find out the actual cause of constipation. A change in the diet and lifestyle for the better can help you a lot.

First, you need to have a diet, which will include a lot of fiber in it. The foods, which have good amount of fiber, are fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables like Brussels sprouts, carrots, asparagus and cabbage contain fiber. Other than this whole grains, beans and bran cereals also include fiber.

At the same time, you should also try to stop eating those foods, which does not have fiber like meat, ice cream, processed foods and cheese. These remedies for constipation will surely help you a lot to get rid of all the problems.



If you are short by time and do not really manage much time to take care of your health, you need readymade herbal solution. Nothing could be better than Bowtrol’s colon cleanser, since it is made up of natural and safe ingredients that promote natural bowel movement and constipation relief without any side effects including loose stools or uncomfortable cramping, etc. Use Bowtrol’s colon cleanser to say ‘Goodbye’ to your constipation problem forever.

Natural Remedies and Natural Health Solutions

Natural products are made up of naturally available materials like herbs, plant extracts, fruits, vegetables and much similar kind of things. Natural remedies can be used to efficiently treat a vast range of ailments through regular and correct usage. These remedies are not only for the mind, but also for the physical body of an individual. We should avoid poisoning ourselves with the chemically prepared drugs, which give a negative impact on the body.

There are several reasons for preferring Natural health solutions, rather than depending on drugs and medicines:
• These products have no side affects: Herbal products have least allergic affect on body. They are safe to use.
• Organic raw products does not harm in any way: The ingredients of natural products does not harm the body and are very effective in curing diseases.
• They detoxify the body: They remove extra toxic materials from the body and regulate the body.
• Health restoration and disease prevention: Natural therapies prevent you from getting the diseases and restore the health in case of any problem.
• They can be prepared at home also: If you know the ingredients, these medicines can be made at home.
• Less costly: These are less expensive and cheaper than chemically treated medicines.
• Higher quality ingredients give a long lasting affect to body: Natural products are genuine and have a good quality. They give a positive affect to the body.
• Natural products boost the immune system: Natural products increase the immunity of body, thus preventing the diseases to attack the body soon.
• Most of the natural care products improve the digestive system: Natural products have a positive affect on liver and kidney.
• Removes the disease from its root: The best point is that natural products remove the disease from its root, thereby giving a positive scope for total removal of the disease from its core.

Natural Health Remedies are therapeutic products and health services based on the laws of nature and the resources offered by it. Natural health alternatives harness the human body’s amazing ability to keep well and heal it. Natural health alternatives are mostly simple, effective and can be done by everyone at any desired place.

The results of natural therapies have always been everlasting and the chances of re occurrence of problem gets minimal. The belief of people on natural remedies and health solutions is increasing from time to time. Natural remedies are capable of curing every day small ailments to the major health issues.

Any kind of Naturally Made Remedy is going to give you a better chance at not having to take any type of medication, even some home remedies can help teens to become acne free.

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Creating Your Own Eczema Natural Remedies At Home

If you happen to be one of the millions of people around the world who suffers from eczema, a safe and effective remedy is just what you have been looking for. All of the best treatments for this common skin problem soothe and heal using ingredients which are safe for your skin. For this reason, natural remedies are always a better choice than harsh, chemical based products.

This article will address three specific natural remedies for eczema, including explaining why they work and how to prepare them. These three therapies will help you find much deserved relief from eczema.

As you probably know, thorough regular cleansing is an important part of treating eczema. Unfortunately, a great many of the soaps and skin cleansers on the market are too harsh to use when you have eczema. Rather than helping, they can dry and irritate your skin, making matters worse.

However, there is a very good natural alternative that will keep your skin healthy and help it heal. A combination of comfrey root, white oak bark, and slippery elm bark will make a very good cleaner to use both during an eczema flare up and as your normal cleanser. It will also help relieve the itching and inflammation of eczema. It is even gentle enough for use on babies and young children.

Comfrey root has long been used as an anti-inflammatory and to promote healing. It helps to stimulate growth and can also reduce scarring.

White oak bark is an excellent source of zinc, which soothes the skin as well as vitamin B12. Additionally, its astringency helps reduce inflammation and tone your skin.

Slippery elm bark is rich in tannins, which act as natural antibiotics. Not only does this ingredient help to prevent infections, it can also reduce inflammation.

This skin wash is one of the best eczema natural remedies out there and it is easy to make too. Simply combine 1 tsp each of comfrey root, slippery elm bark and white oak bark with 2 cups of water.

Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer for about half an hour before removing from heat, allowing to cool completely and straining out the solids. The remaining liquid can be used as you would use any other skin wash.

There are a lot of eczema remedies out there, but this face wash can go a long way towards reducing the itching and inflammation and give your skin the help it needs to heal.

If you would like to learn more about eczema natural remedies, do a search online or visit my website. There you will find plenty of information about eczema and how to treat it using safe, soothing natural remedies.

Do you want to learn more about the best atopic dermatitis natural remedies? Visit my website and find lots of articles and tips about baby eczema natural remedies to have a healthy skin.

Eczema Natural Remedies That You Can Try At Your Home

Eczema or dermatitis is a common and an irritating skin disease that can affect people of any age group. Children are the worst sufferers of this disease. This can also pose serious threats to the infants. About 20% of children have the history of eczema. Family history is also an important cause for eczema in some cases. Girls suffer more from this skin disease than the boys. The skin gets inflamed with the formation of pustules often followed by some liquid discharge. This skin disorder can be chronic, which results from the toxicity in the body. The commonly affected areas are hands, wrists, neck, face and back of the knees. Eczema is not contagious, but scratching the particular areas may worsen the condition spreading the disease to other parts.


1. Appearance of pustules and blisters on the skin.
2. Redness of the skin in patches.
3. Skin becomes dry and flaky.
4. Itchiness and irritation on the skin.
5. Liquid discharges are observed from the affected areas.


Doctors can not specify the exact cause of this skin disorder. Most probable causes are

1. Building up of toxins in the body.
2. Deficiency of nutrients in the body
3. Allergic conditions
4. Metabolic disorders.

Home Remedies

Eczema can be cured by adopting following simple home remedies

1. Application of coconut oil on the affected areas is the most effective home remedy for treating Eczema.

2. One can also apply mud pack on the affected areas to get beneficial results.

3. Application of a paste of camphor and sandalwood powder, taken in equal proportions is another useful home remedy for treating Eczema.

4. Mild sunbathing is also helpful in reducing this skin disorder.

5. Application of a paste of Neem leaves and turmeric powder on the affected areas reduces the symptoms of eczema. It is one of the useful home remedies for treating eczema.

6. Prepare a lotion from the crushed leaves of Dandelion and Spearmint adding few drops of massage oil. Application of this lotion on the affected areas and keeping it for half an hour produces wonderful results.

7. Regularly apply Vitamin E oil on the affected areas to get beneficial results.

8. Take oral Zinc supplements to reduce the symptoms of Eczema. Application of Zinc lotion on the affected areas also produces beneficial results.

9. Nutmeg paste is also used as a useful home remedy to cure eczema.

10. Tomato juice also helps in reducing the symptoms of eczema. Drink a glass of tomato juice daily to get quick relief from this disease.

Read more about Home Remedies for Eczema. Also know effective Home Remedies for Insomnia. Read useful Home Remedies for Stretch Marks.