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Eczema Treatment the Natural Way | Eczema Symptoms Relief

Some people prefer a more natural approach when it comes to treatment for eczema. This is probably because they are worried about the long term use of prescription drugs and creams.

It is important to note that whilst there is no doubt that natural products can help to relieve eczema symptoms there may be a small amount of people who may have a reaction to them.

Let’s have a look at a few natural eczema treatments which may help to relieve your symptoms.

Personal Hygiene
The importance of keeping your skin moisturised cannot be over-emphasised. When taking a shower or a bath, avoid using hot water; tepid is best. I know it feels good to have a long, lingering shower or a soak in the bath after a hard day, but it’s much better to keep it as short as possible. If you overdo it your skin will become wrinkly and dehydrated.

Some shower, bath and shampoos’ may irritate the skin with frequent use so check out the natural and organic products. They tend to contain less harmful ingredients.

Try a natural or organic moisturiser after showering or bathing as it’s important to keep the moisture in. you could even be adventurous and make your own!

If you really need a soak in the bath to ease aching muscles use oatmeal. It is known for its’ soothing properties so should help to calm the skin during an outbreak of eczema symptoms.

Food and Drink
What you eat and drink can have an effect on eczema. There are foods which are known to contribute to eczema flare-ups such as dairy products.

Whilst most natural foods, rather than processed, are good for you there may be some that are not. It might pay to keep a record of your food intake for a while to see if you can pinpoint any foods as being a problem.

This does take time and effort but if it helps to reduce your eczema outbreaks it will be time well spent.

If you really don’t have the inclination to do this then consider a food intolerance test.
Keep your body hydrated by making sure you drink plenty of water during the day. The recommended amount is usually 2 litres per day.

Some eczema sufferers find that the use of supplements helps with their eczema treatment.

Fish oil, for example, contains Omega 3 which is known to be beneficial to the skin whilst Vitamin C is known for its ant-inflammatory properties as is Aloe Vera juice.

Complimentary Therapy
Reflexology is great for a number of ailments including eczema. Basically the feet are massaged, one at a time, at specific points where the bodies’ energy flows. The whole process is extremely relaxing and will help to reduce any stress.

Aromatherapy can help as an eczema treatment. Essential oils are used during a massage which are able to penetrate the skin. The therapist will work with you to find a suitable blend of oils to help with eczema. Again, the whole process is a relaxing experience.

So, why not treat yourself to a course of reflexology or to an organic, scent free moisturiser as a start to your natural eczema treatment?

How To Get Rid Of Eczema – Eczema Treatment – Eczema Cure …

How To Get Rid Of Eczema - Eczema Treatment - Eczema CureClick Image To Visit Site“If you or a loved one suffers from eczema, you know how badly your skin can itch and burn. You know how painful eczema can be and must need relief NOW with an effective eczema treatment strategy!

There is no magic wand that can be waved to eliminate this awful condition but, using the simple and effective methods you are about to discover, will have you feeling great and looking great again, like a movie star, in 14 days!

Or, maybe you like me before, you are tired of suffering through seemingly endless nights of sleeplessness…

Maybe you like me before, are thinking, hoping and wishing for something – a cure for eczema – that would begin to get rid of the insane desire to scratch the burning itchiness that is so unbearable…

I literally reached a point in my life where I couldn’t take it anymore and had to do something different…

I couldn’t afford to allow myself to live through the suffering which I believed was so undeserving…

I had to find something unique that works and that no one was sharing with me to cure this terrible dis-ease!

That’s why I’d like to help with this – You too, CAN cure eczema safely, naturally and easily…”

This SIMPLE and NATURAL way to cure eczema was created by a person that suffered from eczema since childhood herself. The embarrassment she endured was heartbreaking; ridicule from her peers, not going on dates and even missing her prom!

This was devastating to her. She vowed to find a way to alleviate the suffering of everyone that has eczema and cure eczema. She ACTUALLY did. It wasn’t a doctor or scientist that found a way to relieve the suffering of eczema patients; it was simply a person, just like you, that suffered from eczema that actually found the way to cure eczema…

Ok. Let’s get down to some facts now. Fay Spencer is not ONLY the person to finally figure out how to cure eczema but she is an eczema survivor…

Well, although that’s a half truth and eczema itself won’t kill you, the bacterial and staph infections that are a direct result from eczema can absolutely kill you or at the very least cause other serious health complications that could get you bedridden!

Without using Fay Spencer’s 14 day program to cure eczema, you could be seriously endangering your health and well-being…

Be smart. It’s essential to cure eczema fast and not get seriously ill or have other serious health complications as a result of it! That’s why you would want to use a more natural eczema treatment yes???

The chemical compositions in prescription medications such as Cetaphil, Advantan and Elidel can create side effects that your body can’t and shouldn’t have to tolerate. This is simply and clearly unacceptable to many eczema sufferers, as I’m sure you already realize now…

This 14 day program to get… Read more…

Antibiotics 'link to eczema' –

The use of antibiotics in the first 12 months of life may increase the chance of developing eczema by up to 40 per cent, according to a new study.

The report also found that each additional course of antibiotics further raises the risk of eczema by seven per cent.

Researchers reviewed existing data from 20 studies that explored the link between antibiotic exposure prenatally and in the baby’s first year, and the subsequent development of eczema. They also examined whether the number of antibiotic courses affected the probability of developing the skin condition.

They found that children with eczema are more likely to have been treated with antibiotics in the first year of life, but not prenatally.

One of the study’s authors, Teresa Tsakok of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London, said: “One potential explanation is that broad-spectrum antibiotics alter the gut microflora and that this in turn affects the maturing immune system in a way that promotes allergic disease development.”

The paper’s senior author, Carsten Flohr of King’s College London and Guy’s and St Thomas’, added: “A better understanding of the complex relationship between antibiotic use and allergic disease is a priority for clinicians and health policymakers alike, as determination of a true link between antibiotic use and eczema would have far-reaching clinical and public health implications.”

The study, which was published in the British Journal of Dermatology, was also carried out by researchers from the University of Nottingham and the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

The paper added a note of caution, explaining that the use of antibiotics may be a consequence of more infections in children with eczema.

Nina Goad of the British Association of Dermatologists said: “Eczema is our most common skin disease, affecting one in every five children in the UK at some stage and causing a significant burden to the patient and the health service.

“Allergic diseases including eczema have increased over past decades, particularly for children in high income countries, but the causes for this are not fully understood.

“The evidence is not conclusive and the researchers are not suggesting that parents should withhold antibiotics from children when doctors feel such treatment is necessary, but studies like this give an insight into possible avoidable causes and may help to guide medical practice.”

SOMEONE has Thyroid Cancer and Manages Eczema | Eczema Blues

Gibz shares her experience managing eczema, result of her thyroid treatment

Gibz shares her experience managing eczema, result of her thyroid treatment

This is a series focused on personal journey with eczema while managing a certain aspect of life. Today, we have Gibz, to share how she manages her eczema, a side effect of the treatment for her thyroid cancer. Gibz is a lovely young lady, and works full-time and blogs to share and encourage others.

Marcie Mom: Hi Gibz, thank you so much for for taking part in my blog series ‘Someone has Eczema’ and I’m so glad to have jumped into your twitter chat and got to know you. Before that, I had no idea that eczema is a side effect from thyroid treatment. Do share with us your medical conditions, and in particular, when skin rashes first appear?

Gibz: I had thyroid cancer so I have to take thyroxine daily to stop me becoming hypothyroid. I’m also hypoparathyroid which means I can’t manage my blood calcium levels; this was a complication of the cancer treatment. Skin rashes first appeared after I had my thyroid removed and started my thyroxine and calcium pills.

Marcie Mom: How did your skin react during the treatment? Do certain drugs trigger a rash and is that a side effect you knew before it happened?

Gibz: My skin became really dry during certain points in the treatment, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. As time went on my skin got worse and I started getting rashes. Skin rashes appear when my thyroxine dose is changed, whenever you go on a new dose your body needs around 8 weeks to adjust, and in that time everything goes a bit crazy! I knew dry skin was a side effect but I didn’t realise eczema could be triggered by it.

Marcie Mom: You have reached out to others via your blog, and I saw that your best friend is also a cancer survivor. Is skin rash common in cancer treatment?

Gibz: I don’t think she’s had any problems; it’s not something we’ve talked about! That depends on the treatment you have, with some treatments it’s probably very common, I don’t think it’s common during thyroid cancer treatment but I could be wrong.

Marcie Mom: One final question – what advice would you give to another who suffers eczema as a result of treatment or another medical condition?

Gibz: Talk to your doctor about it, chances are you shouldn’t be getting that kind of reaction and they might be able to give you different tablets or a new dose that will suit your body better. If they can’t do that they should be able to help you control your eczema.

Marcie Mom: Thanks Gibz for taking time to share your journey with us, I really enjoy connecting with you and it added another dimension to my understanding of eczema.

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The Top Five Eczema Treatment Methods – Skin Care Products For …

eczemaEczema is a very irritable ailment that can attack anyone at any time. It is a skin disease that leaves the skin dry and itchy and makes it very sensitive to touch.

It is not a permanent ailment and now there are various medicated as well as natural cures for the ailment. Listed below are the best eczema treatment methods that act quickly and leave the skin condition much better.

Eczema Treatment Methods

Exzaderm Cream and Ointment

This is known as the best cure for eczema and is readily available at any chemist. It is made from all natural ingredients and helps the skin in wonderful ways. It helps moisturize the skin as well as it soothes the itching sensation.

exzaderm cream

It heals the eczema ailment quickly and effectively. This miraculous cream is made from Jojoba seed oil, Shea butter, olive fruit, carrot seed oil, safflower oil and oat kernel which are the best for dry skin.

Oxyvectin Medicinal Pills

Unlike most eczema remedies, the Oxyvectin is not a cream but a pill. It is completely natural and is a superb treatment against the ailment. The ingredients in the pill are selenium, zinc, spinach juice, cayenne pepper, vitamin B-12 and ginger root. These natural ingredients fight the allergies that lead to eczema and eradicate the threat of the disease completely.

Grandma’s Rash Remedy Cream

As the name suggests, this effective cream has been produced by home ingredients that were initially put together by grandmothers all over the world. This is another natural method of fighting eczema.

grandmas remedy cream

It helps keep the skin moisturized and it helps in the rejuvenation of the itchy, dry skin. It is perfect for all ages. It is a cream gentle enough to suit babies as well as it fights the eczema in adults as well.

Obre Gold Oil Ointment

Another safe and all natural remedy for eczema, this oil is perfect to prevent any sort of dry skin and itchy skin ailments. It reached the source of the dry skin and breaks through the protective layers of the ailment.


The best thing about this ointment is there are no side effects at all. This is a favorite remedy for most people as it is completely safe and can adjust in any skin type while it heals the ailment.

Infametric Cream

This is one of the many clinically approved creams that fight against the ailment of eczema. Its ingredients have been approved by doctors all over the world. Vitamin B-12, Shea butter, vitamin E and A, Aloe Vera and hyaluronic acid are the ingredients of the cream that are effective against the eczema disease. This is probably the most purchased remedy as it is effective quickly and heals the skin disease quickly.

These above mentioned remedies for eczema are the top five treatments that are available in the market. These cures target the disease and heal it in the most effective way while they even take care of the skin as well. The disease should not be left unattended as it could get worse and start another ailment. If a case of dry skin appears, a doctor’s consultation should be the first thing done.

The Top Five Eczema Treatment Methods, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

SOMEONE has Thyroid Cancer and Manages Eczema | Eczema Blues

Gibz shares her experience managing eczema, result of her thyroid treatment

Gibz shares her experience managing eczema, result of her thyroid treatment

This is a series focused on personal journey with eczema while managing a certain aspect of life. Today, we have Gibz, to share how she manages her eczema, a side effect of the treatment for her thyroid cancer. Gibz is a lovely young lady, and works full-time and blogs to share and encourage others.

Marcie Mom: Hi Gibz, thank you so much for for taking part in my blog series ‘Someone has Eczema’ and I’m so glad to have jumped into your twitter chat and got to know you. Before that, I had no idea that eczema is a side effect from thyroid treatment. Do share with us your medical conditions, and in particular, when skin rashes first appear?

Gibz: I had thyroid cancer so I have to take thyroxine daily to stop me becoming hypothyroid. I’m also hypoparathyroid which means I can’t manage my blood calcium levels; this was a complication of the cancer treatment. Skin rashes first appeared after I had my thyroid removed and started my thyroxine and calcium pills.

Marcie Mom: How did your skin react during the treatment? Do certain drugs trigger a rash and is that a side effect you knew before it happened?

Gibz: My skin became really dry during certain points in the treatment, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. As time went on my skin got worse and I started getting rashes. Skin rashes appear when my thyroxine dose is changed, whenever you go on a new dose your body needs around 8 weeks to adjust, and in that time everything goes a bit crazy! I knew dry skin was a side effect but I didn’t realise eczema could be triggered by it.

Marcie Mom: You have reached out to others via your blog, and I saw that your best friend is also a cancer survivor. Is skin rash common in cancer treatment?

Gibz: I don’t think she’s had any problems; it’s not something we’ve talked about! That depends on the treatment you have, with some treatments it’s probably very common, I don’t think it’s common during thyroid cancer treatment but I could be wrong.

Marcie Mom: One final question – what advice would you give to another who suffers eczema as a result of treatment or another medical condition?

Gibz: Talk to your doctor about it, chances are you shouldn’t be getting that kind of reaction and they might be able to give you different tablets or a new dose that will suit your body better. If they can’t do that they should be able to help you control your eczema.

Marcie Mom: Thanks Gibz for taking time to share your journey with us, I really enjoy connecting with you and it added another dimension to my understanding of eczema.

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Gut Bacterial Balance A Key Factor In Eczema Treatment | 14 Days …

Discover A Whole New Take On Eczema Treatment

Gut ImbalanceThough we still have to find out what is the exact composition of gut balance, research has shown that it is primarily made up of great amounts of good bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus and few potential pathogens.

Gut bacterial balance is important especially among infants because it is said to protect them from atopic childhood diseases such as asthma, eczema, and allergies.


Important Role Of Gut Bacterial Balance

In fact, a study recently published in the journal BioMed Central Microbiology, which compared the gut bacterial composition of children  with eczema to that of healthy children ages 6 months and 18 months, seemed to reveal that gut balance can be a factor to eczema treatment.

Samples of the children’s feces were taken when they were 6 and 18 months old, respectively. At 6 months, the gut bacteria composition of children with or without eczema was essentially the same. However, when they reached 18 months, the gut bacteria composition of children with eczema was more closely associated with those of adults.

Particularly, there were higher diversity of gut bacteria, while there was an increase in the Clostridium species. The gut bacteria of healthy children, however, contained three times more amounts of Bacteroidetes.

Role Of Breastfeeding

Scientists attribute the normal amounts of gut bacteria among children with eczema at 6 months to breastfeeding, which probably protected them through the earlier stages of their lives. According to them, breast feeding might have possibly served as eczema treatment by “evening up the microbiota differences between the healthy and eczematous children and masked the eczema-associated changes, which came apparent at 18 months of age after withdrawal of breast-milk.”

If the children had kept on drinking milk, they could have benefited from the eczema treatment-like properties of breastfeeding. Scientists also add that the presence of adult bacteria in the children’s guts may be attributed to the fact that the children’s diets have changed.

Balancing The Intestinal Flora As Eczema Treatment

If you are looking for viable eczema treatment, focus on healing the skin from within. This means fortifying the body’s immune system and eating healthy. Here are some things you can do: 

1. Go Herbal. Instead of hitting the drugstore and buying steroid-based eczema treatment, try herbal products. There are herbs that are essentially drugs that work wonders in controlling eczema flare-ups. However, be sure to conduct eczema treatment under the guidance of a health professional. 

2. Eat Smart. Veer away from processed food products and instead make sure your diet consists of whole and natural foods that include meat proteins. Eliminate refined sugar and alcohol. By sticking to a healthy diet, it will be easier for your digestive system to perform its job in breaking down food and re-establish the normal gut flora.

3. Supplement with Probiotics. As you may have already known, probiotics are highly beneficial bacteria in the gut. Taking in probiotic supplement can help replenish the population of good bacteria. It also works to ferment the dietary fiber and produce sort chained fatty acids that are also vital for health and integrity of the colon. 



Innovative Skin Cream Treatment for Eczema and Psoriasis | Pure …

GlycaNova, the Norwegian biotechnology company focused on over-the-counter and prescription products for immune system disorders, is pleased to announce the launch of Ganodex(TM), its highly innovative, over-the-counter skin cream treatment for problems such as eczema and psoriasis. Ganodex(TM) has been developed by GlycaNova researchers over the past 4 years, using a proprietary extract from medicinal mushrooms as the active ingredient.

Initial trial results show that Ganodex(TM) has the ability to dramatically improve symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. Formulated as a skin cream, daily application to the affected skin stimulates and regulates skin cells, thereby improving the skin condition. Ganodex(TM) contains 100% natural ingredients. Common side effects, such as drying out of the skin often experienced with creams containing cortisone and parabens, have not been seen in patients using Ganodex(TM)

GlycaNova is pleased to announce Ganodex(TM) is now Bjorn Kristiansen, CEO of GlycaNova, commented: “We are delighted to be able to offer psoriasis and eczema sufferers a completely new and natural alternative to steroid-based treatments. Those who have used Ganodex have experienced such positive results that we are pleased to be able to launch the product online to give wider access to this highly effective treatment.”


For more information