Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

Eczema Treatment, the Natural Way | Natural Holistic Health Blog

Eczema has a nasty way of drying out your skin. That means the most upfront way of eczema treatment is to bring back all the moisture it lost, is still losing.

But we all know that the moisturizers we see on flashing commercial ads will not do the job. As some people who have tried them for eczema treatments said, those products do not even work skin-deep.

Those much hyped lotions have chemical ingredients that even lead to eczema outbreaks. The reason? The ingredients that supposedly work do not get absorbed by your skin, or they do the opposite of moisturizing: they accelerate skin drying and even irritate it.

So much for that. The best case scenario with these commercial lotions and moisturizers is that, when you rub them on your skin, you do get some rehydration, which just as soon leaves your skin.

So what you need is not a stop-gap treatment. Something that helps your skin heal enough so that, by itself, it could retain moisture without much or with no help at all from external applications.

You need a substance like Shea Butter, which brings back skin elasticity. That means your skin gets healed not in the manner of a temporary rehydration, but at the cellular level. Elasticity returned means your skin can retain the vital moisture it needs.

Shea gets absorbed quickly deep into your skin, seeping down into the skin layers, and because it has a remarkably high level of fatty acids (a component that is crucial in bringing back skin elasticity and moisture retention), it is probably the best treatment for eczema not seen on ads and posters.

Although other kinds of butter may also have some fatty acid components, the fatty acid in Shea butter is remarkably higher than, say, cocoa butter, and other vegetable butter. This makes this butter catapult to the top of your list of butters to buy as natural treatment for your eczema.

The benefits of going all natural does not end there. Shea butter even helps your skin improve the rate at which it heals burns and wounds, and even curbs instances of ugly scars. This is because Shea has vitamins A and E plus anti-inflammatory capacities. Healing and scar prevention aside, She also provides your skin with UV protection, and a natural shield against air pollutants exposure to which, over time in smoggy cities, can damage your skin.

This natural ways of treating your eczema can also come in blends with other natural products, allowing you to enjoy more benefits from more natural ingredients. When you use Shea Butter in lotions that contain them (but without the ingredients that reduce their effects), you deliver on your skin the most natural eczema treatment there is. When you combine this with some essential oils, like calendula, chamomile, and lavender, the combination heightens the moisturizing effects and prevents skin inflammation.

So do be cautious with flashy commercials pitching moisturizers that promise heavenly moisturized skin, but brings nothing much. Yes, some products might have Shea Butter amounts, but that amount along with some other ingredients, may overall negate Shea’s effectiveness against eczema. Best to go pure and natural.

More medical professionals are getting wind of the effective eczema treatments via Shea Butter. The outcome is that word of mouth coupled with established studies about Shea’s effective and no side effect treatment spreads. This is effective eczema treatment, the natural way.

Essential Oils for Eczema

The effectiveness of the oils in Heal Eczema to treat eczema is unsurpassed. It is now possible to control and treat your condition with Heal Eczema. Our specially formulated treatment is 100% natural, produced from the highest quality pure natural essential oils extracted from plants. The Heal Eczema formula is organic at the source, free from pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers.

It is recommended that Heal Eczema be used together with a course of Native RemediesImmunityPlus to strengthen the immune system and help prevent further outbreaks of Eczema in the future. Heal Eczema will give relief from irritation and discomfort almost immediately. Continued use will reduce the eczema patches until they disappear or are greatly reduced, depending on severity.

Thereafter, Heal Eczema can be used whenever a new outbreak occurs, as early as possible to prevent the scratching that usually exacerbates it.

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Eczema: Causes, Symptoms and Foolproof Home Remedies …

Medically known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin disease which occurs due to a combination of environmental (bacteria, allergens) and inherited factors that make some individuals more prone to contract this skin condition than others. Although eczema is not a contagious skin disorder, it affects people of all ages, including newborns and infants. According to statistics, over 15 million Americans suffer from eczema at one point in their lives. The main symptom of eczema, although not constant is itching. This extremely common skin disorder has no cure; however specialized treatment can relieve symptoms and prevent further outbreaks on the skin area affected by eczema. In addition to conventional treatment prescribed by a dermatologist, there are several natural remedies with proven effectiveness in eczema relief.

Causes of Eczema

While the underlying causes of this skin condition are not fully known by medical specialists and researchers, it is believed that the presence of Celia disease and various forms of allergies might trigger the occurrence of eczema in some people. Individuals who have dry skin or who subject their skin to extreme temperatures are prone to developing eczema. Daily stress is also another potential cause of this skin disorder and it can worsen the symptoms. Consumption of foods such as dairy, peanuts, eggs and fish might also trigger symptoms associated with eczema. In addition, direct and long-term exposure to various air pollutants, allergens and irritants might make the already present symptoms worse.

Risk Factors of Eczema

  1. Exposure of the skin to harsh conditions ( an environment with low humidity, too hot/too cold water, too hot/too cold temperatures)
  2. Improper hygiene, which is also responsible for causing allergic conditions as well as asthma; many people experience an allergic reaction to house dust mites, which in turn triggers the occurrence of eczema;
  3. Genetic factors, including a family history of allergies to various plants, foods or certain chemicals
  4. Young age – 65% of the cases involve infants under the age of 1; small children under the age of 5 are the most affected (90% of the cases).

The Most Common Symptoms and Signs of Eczema

  1. Very itchy and dry skin; inflamed and/or irritated skin; scaling and/or thickened skin;
  2. Blisters accompanied by oozing, cracking, crusting and /or flaking; redness occurs around the blisters;
  3. Occasional bleeding might accompany eczema; this is due to scratching that leaves raw areas on the skin
  4. Lichenification – this symptom refers to dry areas that are either lighter or darker than the normal skin tone.

While these symptoms start in adults primarily on the inside areas of the elbows and knees, in children under the age of 2 these typically start on the cheeks.

Foolproof Home Remedies to Relieve Eczema Symptoms

In addition to prescribed treatment for eczema (topical corticosteroids and immunomodulators, anti-itch ointments and even oral antibiotics for secondary infections), you can also try the following natural remedies.

1. A mixture of mustard oil and margosa leaves boiledtogether and applied topically

These two natural remedies work synergistically to bring aboutrelief from eczema symptoms, such as dry and scaly patches on the skin. You should preferably boil the two together in an iron pot instead of an aluminum one ( to better preserve their properties) and then apply the resulted mixture ( at room temperature) directly on the itching skin three to four times a day. These remedies help soothe the irritated skin and prevent further scratching.

2. Tomato Juice Included Daily Into Your Diet

This remedy truly works miracles for the inflamed skin, becauseit helps treat this skin condition from the within. Try drinking tomato juice on an empty stomach in the morning and even before bedtime, for better results and quicker eczema relief. Tomato juice is rich in the antioxidant lycopene, a carotene highly beneficial for various skin disorders,among other health benefits.

3. Nutmeg Paste Applied Topically

This ancient remedy for a large variety of skin diseases is said to work miracles for eczema. Mix nutmeg with a soothing oil (preferably almond oil) and then apply this mixture directly on the areas affected by eczema. Moreover, continuing to use this remedy after clearing up the eczema will also prevent its relapse.

4. Sandalwood Paste Applied Topically on the Affected Skin Areas

Mix one teaspoon of sandalwood with one teaspoon of camphor oil ( with instant soothing properties), then apply this mixture on the affected areas and you will experience immediately relief from eczema symptoms. This remedy will also prevent you from scratching the inflamed areas, which will also prevent further damage to the epidermis.

5. Probiotics Taken As Supplements

Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus in particular have the ability to control various forms of allergies, especially in infants and also to boost the immune system naturally. These probiotics also help reduce eczema symptoms if taken daily.

6. Evening Primrose Oil Combined with Borage Oil

These two natural remedies help reduce the itching of the skin affected by eczema, thanks to their soothing properties. Both oils are rich in vitamin E (crucial for all skin disorders) and in GLA, an essential fatty acid with anti-inflammatory effects.

7. Incorporate Foods High in Potent Antioxidants Into Your Diet

Try to consume on a daily basis foods rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, such as wild berries, strawberries, kiwifruit and green peppers. These work as antihistamines and help reduce allergic reactions that typically accompany eczema.

Author Bio:-

Jazzi George Is A Team Member For Dermatend Products, Which Helps In Skin Tags Removal. She likes to blog on beauty and health related tips.

Free Home Remedies For A Cold Sore | Best Cold Sore Treatment

Do any of these pictures remind you of your painful side-effects of Cold Sores or Herpes Complex?

Photos of Cold Sores sufferers

Here are a few more symptoms that Cold Sores sufferers has to endure:

Depression Raised Blisters
Seclusion Redness
Mood Changes Oozing Puss
Low Appetite
Yellow Crust
Sore to Eat or Drink
Itching Uncomfortable Sleeping
Sore Throat
Swollen Lymph Nodes in Neck

And, if that’s not enough. You’ve looked everywhere to find a cure.

You’ve tried every over-the-counter product available. You found out that these products did nothing except mask the problem instead of fix the problem. Even worse, they only attempted to dry up the spot my making it not only a big, red, puss-filled spot on your face, but now your darn skin is falling off too!!!!

And, if some products only help deaden the area reducing the pain, they’ve left out the most important part!

You’ve tried prescription medications provided by doctors and dermatologists. The bad thing about prescription creams and pills is they work fine… for a short while. Then, your cold sores come back!

And, you’ll have to take another day off work and pay another co-pay to the doctor’s office to get another prescription that doesn’t work.

You’ve tried Chinese medicines and herbal supplements. And, if I’m right, those didn’t work either.

How do I know?

Because, I’ve been cold-sore- FREE for over 5 years.

I’ve lived through the embarrassing herpes complex (cold-sores) for nearly 12 years.

Like you, feeling embarrassed was a daily battle for me. You see, unlike some people who get only one or two outbreaks a year, I got an outbreak every few weeks. Or, right after the previous blisters cleared up.

I was desperate to find a solution.

I defied every doctor along with their expensive treatments and over-the-counter products.

Yes, even Abreva, the current over-the-counter cold sore fad. In fact, every time I see an Abreva commercial, I want to throw a tube right at the TV.

After about 7 years of fighting my battle with cold sores, I hit rock bottom.

I was on anti-anxiety, anti-depressant medication due to my depression. I rarely came out of the house. I started taking classes online so I wouldn’t have to see anyone face-to-face. I even quit my corporate job to work online so I wouldn’t have to go outside. My home became my hiding spot.

When my family caught on to what I was doing, hiding from the world, they knocked some sense into me.

So, to stop my family from hounding me to come out of the house, I knew I had to get my cold sore problem under control. That’s when I directed my anger, fear, and embarrassment into creating a real cure to get rid of my pain.

To my surprise, I found an effective solution. But, best of all, it’s all-natural, inexpensive and easy to get started.

Most importantly, after only 3 days, I woke up, walked to the bathroom mirror and almost fell over with excitement. All signs of my cold sore were gone. I couldn’t believe it.

With this same treatment, it’s now 5 years later, and my cold sore still hasn’t come back.

I’m happy to report that my confidence, self-esteem and social life is better than it’s ever been. I date regularly, I’m back attending campus classes and working in the field I enjoy again… in my corporate office.

I’m not afraid to facilitate presentations at work. Each week I meet my friends for drinks and dinner, chatting and laughing for hours at a time.

What’s even better is the same can happen to you with Cold Sore Free Forever™!

Cold Sore Free Forever™ is an easy-to-follow program that’ll help you cure cold sores naturally!

The system is a downloadable program, which can be used anywhere. The directions are simple, precise and easy-to-do at home.

Not only that, you’ll get a full understanding of your symptoms and the exact steps to Stop It!!!

…Just as Cold Sore Free Forever™ has done for these past sufferers


Claudette Taylor

“Thank you so much for sharing your expertise on how to heal cold sores for good. It was kind of miraculous seeing the same cold sores that have been haunting me my entire life vanish like this. I tried several creams and lotions previously, which didn’t seem to do anything long term. I’m sending my photos attached to this email so that you can see what I’m talking about. Thank you doctor.”

Jenna Savor's Son Before & After
[View Original Testimony]

Amanda Dolson
Toronto, Canada

“I’ve been trying for years to get rid of the cold sores that appear every time and then on my upper lip. They are just too ugly and whenever I had them I just feel to stay at home until they go off.

Surprisingly, after only a few days following your program and theirs no sign of any cold sores anymore. They just healed off!

I can never thank you enough for this. It was not just about cold sores, but about all the pain that I used to feel when I had to go our with them. Fortunately, this is something of the past now..”

[View Original Testimony]

Gina Brownie
Costa Rica

“I’m not the type of person that send thank you notes but I feel like I really have to thank you about how effective your methods are. I saw a huge improvement after just 2 days. When i woke up this morning my mouth area was almost completely healed. What can I say more? You really know what you are doing and will highly recommend your guidance to all my friends, Thank you loads”

[View Original Testimony]

Valerie Tanez


“If you want to cure cold sores the natural way; you found the definitive solution. I almost gave up to live with cold sore but fortunately I did not. Cold sore free forever is the helping hand that will tell you how to get rid of this condition and not just cover its symptoms!”

Helen Sunny

“Hello! I want to share my experience with cold sore free forever. At first I was skeptic but gradually the results proved that I was wrong. I was reluctant; it is hard to imagine that you can heal something like this and make yourself look better. However, you can. If you have the initiative to do something you are a step closer to a cold sore free life.”


Within Cold Sore Free Forever™, you’ll be able to cure any herpes complex that’s the main cause of making your life… miserable.

You’ll get…


Dana Wilkinson

, United States

“As a lifetime cold sores sufferer, I tried various creams but none of them really worked for a prolonged period of time.

Fortunately, while I was looking for yet another sores cream I found positive reviews about your web site. I was very skeptic, but after reading several other positive reviews on different web sites I was convinced.

This was 2 months ago, now I’m happy to say that after following your program I havent seen any sign of cold sores whatsoever. I highly recommend your program because it healed my sores where all the other methods failed miserably!”

[View Original Testimony]

Susanne Smitters
New Jersey

“Hi doctor, I want to give a personal testimonial and highly recommend your program for any cold sores suffers out their.

I have been suffering from cold sores since a very young age and tried many products in vain. Sores kept coming back all the time because I was never really addressing the root of the problem.

Fortunately, after giving a try to this modest program, my sores disappeared like never before.
If you want to cure your sores permanently, you really have to check this out.”

[View Original Testimony]

Brian Devor

New Zealand

“I’ve been suffering from cold sores since my early teen years. I tried countless product but my stubborn sores always returned back after a while. My friends suggested that I go for a plastic surgery but our family doctor recommend your natural remedy. It was more than worth my time, Thanks..”

[View Original Testimony]

Maria Eleon

“My mouth’s sores vanished in less than 5 days after trying your instructions. They just started to heal as if they suddenly died.
I’m really satisfied and happy about your easy and effective guidance. Maria Eleon.”


And, these are just a few of the people who’ve experienced life-long relief from painful and embarrassing cold sores using the Cold Sore Free Forever™ system.

Listen. You can continue suffering from the same horrific problems and trying products that don’t work, or you can be added to the hundreds of people who’ve finally found relief with Cold Sore Free Forever™.

Since I know exactly what you’re going through, I want to make your life easy. I know people who’ll pay hundreds of dollars just for a chance to get the information included in this powerful guide.

But, you don’t have to worry. Since I put this program together to not only help myself but to help others, I would never charge $100 for a chance to make another person’s life better.

Instead, I’m practically giving my cold sore secrets away for only… $34.97!

That’s right! You’ll get the only, most effective solution to curing your cold sores – forever, at a price that’s less than $40.

Now, you can continue to pay for useless over-the-counter remedies at $15 a tube.

Or, you can keep paying your monthly $20 doctors office co-pays, taking days off from work ($100 – $300 a day) either to go to the doctor or to stay hidden at home, afraid to come out. Not to mention the cost of the prescription drug ($10), each month.

Or, you can pay only one cost to get Cold Sore Free Forever™ and never search for a cure or take another trip to the doctor or dermatologist about your cold sores – again!

Now, do you agree Cold Sore Free Forever™ is the best choice you can make to rid yourself from cold sores?

Not only that, you also get my no risks, no hassles money back guarantee.

If, for any reason, you’re not able to cure your cold sores or herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). Or, if the product does not do exactly what it claims, simply contact me within the first 60 days to receive a prompt and full refund.

No Questions No Hassles No Risk

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Free Home Remedies For Cold Sores | Best Cold Sore Treatment

Do any of these pictures remind you of your painful side-effects of Cold Sores or Herpes Complex?

Photos of Cold Sores sufferers

Here are a few more symptoms that Cold Sores sufferers has to endure:

Depression Raised Blisters
Seclusion Redness
Mood Changes Oozing Puss
Low Appetite
Yellow Crust
Sore to Eat or Drink
Itching Uncomfortable Sleeping
Sore Throat
Swollen Lymph Nodes in Neck

And, if that’s not enough. You’ve looked everywhere to find a cure.

You’ve tried every over-the-counter product available. You found out that these products did nothing except mask the problem instead of fix the problem. Even worse, they only attempted to dry up the spot my making it not only a big, red, puss-filled spot on your face, but now your darn skin is falling off too!!!!

And, if some products only help deaden the area reducing the pain, they’ve left out the most important part!

You’ve tried prescription medications provided by doctors and dermatologists. The bad thing about prescription creams and pills is they work fine… for a short while. Then, your cold sores come back!

And, you’ll have to take another day off work and pay another co-pay to the doctor’s office to get another prescription that doesn’t work.

You’ve tried Chinese medicines and herbal supplements. And, if I’m right, those didn’t work either.

How do I know?

Because, I’ve been cold-sore- FREE for over 5 years.

I’ve lived through the embarrassing herpes complex (cold-sores) for nearly 12 years.

Like you, feeling embarrassed was a daily battle for me. You see, unlike some people who get only one or two outbreaks a year, I got an outbreak every few weeks. Or, right after the previous blisters cleared up.

I was desperate to find a solution.

I defied every doctor along with their expensive treatments and over-the-counter products.

Yes, even Abreva, the current over-the-counter cold sore fad. In fact, every time I see an Abreva commercial, I want to throw a tube right at the TV.

After about 7 years of fighting my battle with cold sores, I hit rock bottom.

I was on anti-anxiety, anti-depressant medication due to my depression. I rarely came out of the house. I started taking classes online so I wouldn’t have to see anyone face-to-face. I even quit my corporate job to work online so I wouldn’t have to go outside. My home became my hiding spot.

When my family caught on to what I was doing, hiding from the world, they knocked some sense into me.

So, to stop my family from hounding me to come out of the house, I knew I had to get my cold sore problem under control. That’s when I directed my anger, fear, and embarrassment into creating a real cure to get rid of my pain.

To my surprise, I found an effective solution. But, best of all, it’s all-natural, inexpensive and easy to get started.

Most importantly, after only 3 days, I woke up, walked to the bathroom mirror and almost fell over with excitement. All signs of my cold sore were gone. I couldn’t believe it.

With this same treatment, it’s now 5 years later, and my cold sore still hasn’t come back.

I’m happy to report that my confidence, self-esteem and social life is better than it’s ever been. I date regularly, I’m back attending campus classes and working in the field I enjoy again… in my corporate office.

I’m not afraid to facilitate presentations at work. Each week I meet my friends for drinks and dinner, chatting and laughing for hours at a time.

What’s even better is the same can happen to you with Cold Sore Free Forever™!

Cold Sore Free Forever™ is an easy-to-follow program that’ll help you cure cold sores naturally!

The system is a downloadable program, which can be used anywhere. The directions are simple, precise and easy-to-do at home.

Not only that, you’ll get a full understanding of your symptoms and the exact steps to Stop It!!!

…Just as Cold Sore Free Forever™ has done for these past sufferers


Claudette Taylor

“Thank you so much for sharing your expertise on how to heal cold sores for good. It was kind of miraculous seeing the same cold sores that have been haunting me my entire life vanish like this. I tried several creams and lotions previously, which didn’t seem to do anything long term. I’m sending my photos attached to this email so that you can see what I’m talking about. Thank you doctor.”

Jenna Savor's Son Before & After
[View Original Testimony]

Amanda Dolson
Toronto, Canada

“I’ve been trying for years to get rid of the cold sores that appear every time and then on my upper lip. They are just too ugly and whenever I had them I just feel to stay at home until they go off.

Surprisingly, after only a few days following your program and theirs no sign of any cold sores anymore. They just healed off!

I can never thank you enough for this. It was not just about cold sores, but about all the pain that I used to feel when I had to go our with them. Fortunately, this is something of the past now..”

[View Original Testimony]

Gina Brownie
Costa Rica

“I’m not the type of person that send thank you notes but I feel like I really have to thank you about how effective your methods are. I saw a huge improvement after just 2 days. When i woke up this morning my mouth area was almost completely healed. What can I say more? You really know what you are doing and will highly recommend your guidance to all my friends, Thank you loads”

[View Original Testimony]

Valerie Tanez


“If you want to cure cold sores the natural way; you found the definitive solution. I almost gave up to live with cold sore but fortunately I did not. Cold sore free forever is the helping hand that will tell you how to get rid of this condition and not just cover its symptoms!”

Helen Sunny

“Hello! I want to share my experience with cold sore free forever. At first I was skeptic but gradually the results proved that I was wrong. I was reluctant; it is hard to imagine that you can heal something like this and make yourself look better. However, you can. If you have the initiative to do something you are a step closer to a cold sore free life.”


Within Cold Sore Free Forever™, you’ll be able to cure any herpes complex that’s the main cause of making your life… miserable.

You’ll get…


Dana Wilkinson

, United States

“As a lifetime cold sores sufferer, I tried various creams but none of them really worked for a prolonged period of time.

Fortunately, while I was looking for yet another sores cream I found positive reviews about your web site. I was very skeptic, but after reading several other positive reviews on different web sites I was convinced.

This was 2 months ago, now I’m happy to say that after following your program I havent seen any sign of cold sores whatsoever. I highly recommend your program because it healed my sores where all the other methods failed miserably!”

[View Original Testimony]

Susanne Smitters
New Jersey

“Hi doctor, I want to give a personal testimonial and highly recommend your program for any cold sores suffers out their.

I have been suffering from cold sores since a very young age and tried many products in vain. Sores kept coming back all the time because I was never really addressing the root of the problem.

Fortunately, after giving a try to this modest program, my sores disappeared like never before.
If you want to cure your sores permanently, you really have to check this out.”

[View Original Testimony]

Brian Devor

New Zealand

“I’ve been suffering from cold sores since my early teen years. I tried countless product but my stubborn sores always returned back after a while. My friends suggested that I go for a plastic surgery but our family doctor recommend your natural remedy. It was more than worth my time, Thanks..”

[View Original Testimony]

Maria Eleon

“My mouth’s sores vanished in less than 5 days after trying your instructions. They just started to heal as if they suddenly died.
I’m really satisfied and happy about your easy and effective guidance. Maria Eleon.”


And, these are just a few of the people who’ve experienced life-long relief from painful and embarrassing cold sores using the Cold Sore Free Forever™ system.

Listen. You can continue suffering from the same horrific problems and trying products that don’t work, or you can be added to the hundreds of people who’ve finally found relief with Cold Sore Free Forever™.

Since I know exactly what you’re going through, I want to make your life easy. I know people who’ll pay hundreds of dollars just for a chance to get the information included in this powerful guide.

But, you don’t have to worry. Since I put this program together to not only help myself but to help others, I would never charge $100 for a chance to make another person’s life better.

Instead, I’m practically giving my cold sore secrets away for only… $34.97!

That’s right! You’ll get the only, most effective solution to curing your cold sores – forever, at a price that’s less than $40.

Now, you can continue to pay for useless over-the-counter remedies at $15 a tube.

Or, you can keep paying your monthly $20 doctors office co-pays, taking days off from work ($100 – $300 a day) either to go to the doctor or to stay hidden at home, afraid to come out. Not to mention the cost of the prescription drug ($10), each month.

Or, you can pay only one cost to get Cold Sore Free Forever™ and never search for a cure or take another trip to the doctor or dermatologist about your cold sores – again!

Now, do you agree Cold Sore Free Forever™ is the best choice you can make to rid yourself from cold sores?

Not only that, you also get my no risks, no hassles money back guarantee.

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Chlorella and spirulina are truly the most astounding food sources on planet Earth. In this special report, you’ll learn about the astonishing health benefits and nutritional achievements of these two foods, and you’ll see why you need to get these into your diet immediately..

Most people have heard of chlorella and spirulina, but they don’t really know the details of why these are truly the best food sources on the planet. For example, did you know that, ounce per ounce, spirulina contains twelve times the digestible protein of beef? It’s a far better protein than beef, and it contains a much healthier mineral balance (such as magnesium) that just isn’t found in beef.”

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Eczema Home Cures Might Be Your Best Option – Yoga clothing

When it comes to curing your eczema problem, a good idea would be to find a solution without side effects that actually helps. The regular eczema treatment approach incorporates antibiotic use and topical steroids. The benefits of these treatments have to be weighed against the risk of side effects which might create problems of their own. If you have a relapse, you might even suffer worse than the first attack. You don’t need to be an alarmist about it and believe the worst is going to happen, but it doesn’t hurt to find out about natural eczema home cures, either.

The dilemma with using antibiotics and steroids as an eczema cure is that they only treat the condition’s symptoms and really do not cure it. Treatment will often make the signs of eczema go away, but it is usually temporary and most often winds up resurfacing because the condition is actually still present. This will weaken your skin, which means you will require even stronger treatments to control your condition in the future. This is why many people are convinced that dealing with their eczema naturally is the best way to go.

There are many good reasons for desiring to make lifestyle changes instead of option for the use of prescription or over the counter medicine. A lot of these items include corticosteroids, which may cause allergies and other negative reactions. Eczema home cures let you stay out of that situation and maintain a system without foreign substances. Nevertheless, you must remember with extreme eczema cases, you will almost definitely require the use of some type of medicine to control your discomfort and pain.

There are various techniques that people utilize to treat their eczema naturally. A few advocates recommended using simple eczema home cures as easy as having a lukewarm bath to get the skin hydrated. Lavish yourself with a good moisturizer that keeps the water content in your skin intact so that you keep away from bacterial and fungal infections. It works to smooth the skin and calm the inflammation. Eczema flare ups are greatly reduced with skin that is hydrated a lot.

Often, eczema is the result of an allergic reaction to certain foods like dairy or seafood, or atmospheric irritants like pollen and dust. So a nice natural approach to an eczema solution is to try your best to stay away from the irritants. Additionally, you must reduce your stress levels in order to prevent outbreaks, so you may desire to try some kind of relaxation technique like yoga or meditation. Eczema outbreaks can also be caused by your clothes. Select 100 percent cotton clothing and stay away from synthetic or wool fabrics.

You should be well on your way to finding some useful eczema home cures if you follow this advice.

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How To Cure Eczema – Eight Effective Natural Cures For Eczema …

EczemaEczema is one of the dry skin conditions which make your daily life miserable. It causes extreme itchiness which forces you to scratch the skin until a layer of skin is removed. Sometimes the affected skin forms blister and may also bleed. The severity of the symptoms changes depending on the various factors like weather change, humidity, and air pollutant.

Therefore, you need to notice the changes that make the eczema even more terrible. As when the symptoms reach its extreme point, it may also disturb you night sleeps by keeping you awake every time to scratch the skin. Though there is no permanent cure for this disease, medicines and remedies can only lower the symptoms.

So, the bad news is that you cannot have a permanent relief from the disease. And the good news is that using certain remedies and medicines will certainly minimize the symptoms and helps to fight with this lifelong disease. Discussed below are some effective tips that make living with eczema easier.

Eight Various Cures For Eczema

Notice The Allergens

Eczema changes its face in the presence of many agents that are known as allergens. Allergens many be anything that trigger flare-up of eczema. Allergen may be different for different individual. So, you need to carefully monitor the effects of various factors on eczema.


It may be dust mites, fragrance, or certain chemicals. Therefore, you should completely avoid products containing chemicals and artificial fragrance. Instead, use chemical free, fragrance-free and mild products on your skin. It is better to opt for products especially designed for dry skin conditions.

Keep The Skin Moist

Dry skin when left unmoist, aggravate itchiness of the eczema. Therefore, always keep it moist by applying a moisturizer. Use emollients or water-based lotions enriched with vitamin E to moisturize dry skin.

Emollients are Vaseline-like skin cream that soften the dry skin and forms a protective layer on the skin that helps to reduce water loss from the skin. Whereas, water-based vitamin E lotions nourish the skin while moisturizing it.

Use Ointment

Sometimes due to repeated itching and scratching inflammation occurs in the skin affected with eczema. Inflamed skin cause blisters and may also result in bleeding. Inflammation can be reduced with the application of ointment.


Topical corticosteroids are generally prescribed for inflammation. It is better to consult a doctor before opting of your own. A dermatologist can only be able to study the kind of eczema you have and prescribe a medicine accordingly.

Maintain Comfortable Room Temperature

Extreme hot or cold condition makes eczema worst. Moreover, increase in humidity induces the eczema to flare up resulting in excessive itching until its bleed.

Though you don’t have hold of outside temperature, you can certainly control the room temperature. During hot summer, maintain a cold atmosphere at home by switching on AC. And during dry winter months, use humidifier to control dryness so that you skin is prevented from getting extremely dry.

Also Read

Effective Home Remedies For Eczema Scars
Effective Herbal Remedies For Eczema
Effective Natural Cures For Eczema In Children
Effective Natural Cures For Eczema 
Natural Cure For Eczema On Hands

Wear Comfortable Cloths

If you have an active eczema, then you should avoid wearing synthetic fabric like polyester and nylon cloths as these fabrics may irritate eczema. Cotton garments are most preferable cloth for eczema as being natural it does not cause skin irritation.

Wear Comfortable Cloths

Moreover, it is advisable to wash new cloths before wearing it for the first time. Washing cloths will remove the germs that may encounter the cloth during several stages of manufacturing.

Control Stress

Stress is the culprit for many diseases so it is for eczema. Therefore, it is very essential to manage stress in life. The nature of life is to give surprises and shock, we should take this lightly and learn to overcome the affect.

The best way to manage stress is by engaging the mind in different activities. Take up any hobby or learn something new every time to remain motivated and busy. And when everything fails to control your stress, take the help of meditation, prayer and yoga.

Maintain Hygiene

Cleanliness is also a good way to control eczema symptoms. So, always keep the affected area clean and tidy to avoid any further bacterial of fungal infection on the skin. Eczema is an autoimmune disease in which the skin is not immune to infections.

Maintain Hygiene

In such condition, skin can develop any other infection easily. Therefore, take bath daily to avoid allergens and germs invasion into the body. Moreover, make sure that the towel, bed sheets, pillow case and other items of daily use that comes in contact with your skin are clean and tidy.

Take Milk Bath

As mentioned above, moisturizing is very important for eczema. Besides applying emollients, take milk bath which moisturizes the skin very effectively. Being natural, milk does not cause any irritation and moisturizes the skin deeply. All you need to do is to add milk and almonds oil in hot bath water and soak yourself for 30 minutes and relax.

Then pat dry and apply a vitamin E body lotion for best result. Nowadays, bath washes especially for dry skin conditions are available in the market that moisturizes the skin while cleaning it. You just need to pour 2 to 3 cupful of the bath wash into the water and relax your whole body into the water for at least 20 minutes. Bathing this way make the skin smooth and fresh relieving itchiness and rashes.

Watch Your Diet

Diet also plays an important role in suppressing the symptoms of eczema. Ayurveda reveals that too much spicy, sour and oily food aggravates eczema. That is why, it is recommended to avoid these foods if you are suffering from eczema. You should also stress on including foods that contain fatty acid and vitamin E.

Watch Your Diet

Adequate amount of these nutrients help to keep the skin soft and moist avoiding itchiness and dryness on the skin surface. Moreover, you should take zinc, B-complex, and fish oil either as supplements or through you diet to maintain a healthy skin and relieve the symptoms of eczema. Grape juice is also considered as a good diet treatment for eczema. So, try to include foods rich in these minerals as much as possible to minimize eczema symptoms and to lead a carefree life.

Natural Treatment For Eczema | A Mélange of Contradictory …

***(This is a long post, so, for those ADD-ers out there, skim down to the bolded and starred section.)***


My toddler had her second eczema flare-up about 3 weeks ago.  The first flare-up occurred at around 6 months of age and appeared when I started her on baby cereals.  It looked like a patch of small bumps on the inside of her forearm, and the pediatrician dismissed it as “normal” childhood eczema.  My baby didn’t seem bothered by it at the time, but it wouldn’t go away – until I stopped feeding her those baby cereals.

Since then, I don’t feed her anything containing wheat or processed foods.  I try not to.  Thanks to Daddy, she has had bites of cookies and donuts that contain wheat flour.  Thankfully, he doesn’t give her the whole thing; he just feels bad and wants her to enjoy “the good stuff,” too.  And she hasn’t had a reaction to little bites of the stuff.

I don’t know what triggered this most recent flare-up though.  Now that she’s older and more aware, she has been scratching the crap out of it, causing it to get red, rough, and to spread.

Since we’ve moved, I haven’t found a pediatrician for my kids yet, so I tried one that was suggested by a neighbor.  The pediatrician diagnosed her “rash” as eczema and told me to use a prescription cortisone cream and liquid Zyrtec.  He, also, told me to use a moisturizer on top of the cortisone.  I smiled and said, “Okay.”  Then left.  We went there again for my toddler’s two-year check-up and weren’t happy with them again, but that’s another post.

The over-the-counter cortisone wasn’t working, and I didn’t feel comfortable giving her a stronger prescription steroid.  I didn’t feel comfortable giving her the OTC cortisone anyway and having to give her the Zyrtec.  So I got into my research-nerd mode and started looking for a more natural course of treatment.

From everything that I read, prevention and at-home treatment includes but is not limited to:

1.  Avoiding the allergic trigger.  Well, duh.  But this could be anything!  The next best choice is to limit exposure to known irritants, such as perfumed anything (detergents, soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc.), fabrics other than cotton, certain foods (dairy, nuts, citrus, eggs, etc.), and even heat.

Check.  Check.  Check.  And check.  We avoid those anyway with our toddler.

2.  Don’t take long hot showers or use harsh soaps, as this aggravates the eczema.

Check and check.  We wash our toddler in only water anyway, and it’s luke-warm water.  She had a horrible and scary reaction to a baby soap that touts it is “Allergy Tested” and “Pediatrician Recommended.”  She got the reaction when they changed their “All Natural” formula and added Sodium Benzoate.  It took her a good two months to get rid of all the red blotches all over her skin, after we stopped using it on her.  At one point, her face had swelled up for a day.

3.  Keep the skin moisturized.

Check.  We had been using Aquaphor.

4.  Keep hydrated.

Check.  She only drinks water.  And lots of it.

Even after going this route, her eczema still got worse and spread.  Poor thing was up at all hours of the night scratching and crying.  I started wracking my brain and researching more, and this is when I found our miracle “cure.”

I came across this article while reading about natural at-home remedies on

Cure Eczema The Natural Way by Carolanne Wright

which led me to this post on

Coconut Oil?  The author, Peter Lio, MD, says

…I do like coconut oil as it is both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. I like sunflower seed oil even more, however, as it has gamma linoleic acids that can really help the skin rebuild the barrier. There was a wonderful study using sunflower seed oil on the skin of premature babies; that oil was amazing in helping the skin build a barrier and the babies had fewer infections…

So, of course, I read some other articles about sunflower seed oil and eczema:

Treat Eczema with Sunflower!

Flower Power May Be Answer To Itchy Problem

Cost-effectiveness of skin-barrier-enhancing emollients among preterm infants in Bangladesh

After reading over and over how the skin can become infected and ooze because of constant scratching, especially in children, I knew that this was the moisturizer I needed to use.  I found a 32 oz (1 qt) bottle of sunflower seed oil for $5.99 in the baking section of Sprouts.  This is great stuff, by the way.  Absorbs quickly, but is really moisturizing.  The best part about using this on my toddler?  I can put it on her hands, and it doesn’t matter if she gets it in her mouth.  Can you say the same about cortizone or most lotions?

There’s a second part to this miracle treatment.  I kept reading about how some moms accidentally found that after their child had swam in a salt water pool, their eczema had substantially looked better.  So they went home and continued treatment with Epsom Salt in their child’s bath.  I had also read about people using sea salt.

I tried it.  I put a handful of Epsom Salt in our toddler’s bathtub one night and let her play in the water for about 10 to 15 minutes.  The next morning  her eczema patches looked noticeably better.

This treatment hasn’t “cured” it completely, as there is no cure for eczema, but my toddler’s skin is healing a lot faster and looks SO much better than it did.  It’s been a little over a week using this treatment, and, although you can still see bumps, there is very little redness and she is scratching her skin considerably less.

***To summarize, this is what I do***:

Every night, I throw a handful of Epsom Salt (NOT TABLE SALT) into a baby/ toddler-sized bathtub filled with luke warm water.  I let her play in the water for about 10 to 15 minutes, and I do not use any soaps on her.

After her bath, I massage Sunflower Seed Oil on her whole body, paying special attention to the red and/ or bumpy patches.

If your child’s skin is already cracked and peeling, and you want something thicker, I would suggest using pure lanolin.  Lansinoh is a good brand and can be found where breastfeeding products are sold in many stores.

Sunflower Seed Oil will most likely be found in the baking section of a grocery store.  I found mine at Sprouts.

Epsom Salt can be found in a drug store, and probably in the pharmacy section of a grocery store.  It’s cheap and comes in a big carton.

I am not a doctor, nor do I have a medical background.  I’m just a mom that loves to research and find more natural ways to help my family with whatever ails them.  Please, always consult with your child’s pediatrician, and be aware of your child’s possible allergies, before trying any alternative treatments.  If your child has a seed allergy, he or she may have a reaction to the sunflower seed oil.

(Okay, no, I didn’t consult with any pediatricians before I tried this.  And, yes, I have a degree in Biological Sciences, having taken an overkill and unnecessary amount of Chemistry classes for fun, so I understand some stuff.  But, please, be responsible and take personal responsibility for whatever decisions you make for your child.)

I know there are other natural treatments out there for eczema.  But this is what worked for us, and it’s cheap.

Have you tried this or any other natural remedies to ease eczema flare-ups?

Natural Cures For Eczema In Adults – Lady Care Health

Eczema In AdultsEczema is a kind of skin disease. It is a particular type of inflammatory condition of the skin where the patch of the skin becomes rough. Eczema is a kind of chronic disease in which the skin becomes itchy, reddened, cracked and dry and blisters may be seen. Eczema may occur at any age. The patches may occur in any part of the body, they may be seen on the hands, feet, arms, behind the knees, ankles, wrists, face, neck, and upper chest.

Nature has solution to all the problems of humankind. That’s why a lot of people undergo treating eczema naturally rather than going for prescribed drugs and injections. Skin lotions and ointments may cause irritation after a long term use but natural therapy is free from all kinds of side effects. Natural treatment is very cheap and helps in improving the quality of life considerably. But before undergoing any type of natural treatment the patient should get in touch their physical doctors.

Natural Ways To Cure Eczema

Maintain Personal Hygiene

It is very necessary for a person suffering from eczema to take care of himself. It is very much required for them to maintain cleanliness. They should maintain short and clean nails. While bathing the patients of eczema should avoid hot or tepid water. Even the soaps and shampoos used should be natural or organic.

Remedies For Yeast Infection Relief

It is very important to apply natural made moisture after bath. This helps in reducing itchiness and makes skin calm and soothing. The patient should wear natural organic clothes in exchange for scratchy fibers.

Aloe Vera

Eczema is very much nature friendly to Aloe Vera. It helps in reducing the symptoms of eczema overnight. We can apply the juice of the aloe Vera leaves but either buying it from market or from getting it from our garden if we have this kind of plantation at our home. Aloe Vera reduces the redness and helps to reduce the itchiness of the patient. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is also very beneficial for eczema patients.

Organic Carrot Paste

It is a very good remedy for the treatment of people suffering from eczema blisters. We can boil few organic carrots for say 20 -25 minutes. When the carrot is soft enough and ready to be mashed we can make a paste out of it by mashing the organic carrots.


Then we can apply the paste of organic carrot on the affected area for 15 minutes. Then rinse it with cold water. It helps to reduce inflammation and gives a quick relief.

Mixture Of Bilberries With Water

Bilberries are considered to be a very effective treatment in curing eczema problems. This is very simple remedy which can be made at home. We need to put 50 grams of bilberries leaves in a steel container, and add a liter of Luke warm water to it. We can keep the ingredients in Luke warm water for an hour to be homogenous. Then we the boil the ingredients for 20 minutes more. This kind of mixtures acts as a cleanser for our skin. It is very healthy and protects our skin from all kind of infections. It reduces the itching effect.

Control On Diet

A person suffering from eczema should try and avoid all kind of junk and fatty foods. They should try and avoid sweets and sugar candies. They should try and increase the intake of fatty acids and the products which can increase the productivity of vitamin C.


They should try and include eggs, organic raw nuts, and organic hemp, chia or flax seeds in their daily diet plan. Try and include all green leafy vegetables in your diet.

Benefits Of Organic Coconut Oil

Coconut oil and eczema treatment works from traditional times. Application of coconut oil heals the eczema disease much faster. Coconut oil contains antibacterial, antifungal properties which kills infections and works as a moisturizer on the affected areas thus reducing itching and soothes the skin. It helps to heal the skin and reduces the infection of eczema.

Effects Of Flowers

Flowers like calendula or chamomile may be applied on the affected areas to reduce itching and calm redness. We can make a tea out of calendula, a marigold flower, with five drops of lavender essential oil adding to this tea and then apply in on our affected areas. It helps to reduce the irritation caused due to eczema.

Effects Of Flowers

Such kind of mixture needs to applied 2-3 times in a day. It has been seen this kind of flower extract has worked beautifully it removing the scratchiness and hardness occurred in the skin. It works as a tonner.

Natural Cures For Eczema In Adults, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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