Eczema Treatment, the Natural Way | Natural Holistic Health Blog

Eczema has a nasty way of drying out your skin. That means the most upfront way of eczema treatment is to bring back all the moisture it lost, is still losing.

But we all know that the moisturizers we see on flashing commercial ads will not do the job. As some people who have tried them for eczema treatments said, those products do not even work skin-deep.

Those much hyped lotions have chemical ingredients that even lead to eczema outbreaks. The reason? The ingredients that supposedly work do not get absorbed by your skin, or they do the opposite of moisturizing: they accelerate skin drying and even irritate it.

So much for that. The best case scenario with these commercial lotions and moisturizers is that, when you rub them on your skin, you do get some rehydration, which just as soon leaves your skin.

So what you need is not a stop-gap treatment. Something that helps your skin heal enough so that, by itself, it could retain moisture without much or with no help at all from external applications.

You need a substance like Shea Butter, which brings back skin elasticity. That means your skin gets healed not in the manner of a temporary rehydration, but at the cellular level. Elasticity returned means your skin can retain the vital moisture it needs.

Shea gets absorbed quickly deep into your skin, seeping down into the skin layers, and because it has a remarkably high level of fatty acids (a component that is crucial in bringing back skin elasticity and moisture retention), it is probably the best treatment for eczema not seen on ads and posters.

Although other kinds of butter may also have some fatty acid components, the fatty acid in Shea butter is remarkably higher than, say, cocoa butter, and other vegetable butter. This makes this butter catapult to the top of your list of butters to buy as natural treatment for your eczema.

The benefits of going all natural does not end there. Shea butter even helps your skin improve the rate at which it heals burns and wounds, and even curbs instances of ugly scars. This is because Shea has vitamins A and E plus anti-inflammatory capacities. Healing and scar prevention aside, She also provides your skin with UV protection, and a natural shield against air pollutants exposure to which, over time in smoggy cities, can damage your skin.

This natural ways of treating your eczema can also come in blends with other natural products, allowing you to enjoy more benefits from more natural ingredients. When you use Shea Butter in lotions that contain them (but without the ingredients that reduce their effects), you deliver on your skin the most natural eczema treatment there is. When you combine this with some essential oils, like calendula, chamomile, and lavender, the combination heightens the moisturizing effects and prevents skin inflammation.

So do be cautious with flashy commercials pitching moisturizers that promise heavenly moisturized skin, but brings nothing much. Yes, some products might have Shea Butter amounts, but that amount along with some other ingredients, may overall negate Shea’s effectiveness against eczema. Best to go pure and natural.

More medical professionals are getting wind of the effective eczema treatments via Shea Butter. The outcome is that word of mouth coupled with established studies about Shea’s effective and no side effect treatment spreads. This is effective eczema treatment, the natural way.

Essential Oils for Eczema

The effectiveness of the oils in Heal Eczema to treat eczema is unsurpassed. It is now possible to control and treat your condition with Heal Eczema. Our specially formulated treatment is 100% natural, produced from the highest quality pure natural essential oils extracted from plants. The Heal Eczema formula is organic at the source, free from pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers.

It is recommended that Heal Eczema be used together with a course of Native RemediesImmunityPlus to strengthen the immune system and help prevent further outbreaks of Eczema in the future. Heal Eczema will give relief from irritation and discomfort almost immediately. Continued use will reduce the eczema patches until they disappear or are greatly reduced, depending on severity.

Thereafter, Heal Eczema can be used whenever a new outbreak occurs, as early as possible to prevent the scratching that usually exacerbates it.

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