Eczema Home Remedies | Treatment For Eczema

Eczema Treatment
Eczema, also know as dermatitis, causes inflammation and itchiness on skin. Commonly eczema can be found on the arms, elbows, knees, arms and on face also; however it can affect other parts of your body too. The cause of eczema is unknown but there are many eczema home remedies that you can try to obtain topical relief.

There are various procedures that can be applied to cure eczema at home. Some of them are mentioned in this article.

• Basil is one of the most effective herbs that are used in almost all types of ailments. Grind basil, one tablespoon of oil, two cloves of garlic, salt and a little pepper. Put this mixture on the affected area. This will not show instant results but applying it regularly will definitely improve the condition.

• Turmeric is a good antibiotic. You can mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with a cup of water and have it.

• How about eating some pesto sauce? This is a very simple home eczema remedy that can be prepared by grinding basil leaves along with olive oil, garlic and salt.

• Since eczema dehydrates the skin it is advisable, if you soak your body in a mixture of vinegar and hot water which are in the ratio of 1:4. A 20 minute soak everyday will work wonders.

• Another good eczema home remedy is to dab the affected area with witch hazel. This is vary safe and can be done several times during the day.

• In yet another effective remedy, you take a warm water tub bath which contains some walnut leaves. Sit in this water for at least 15-20 minutes. It will give you a temporary relief. Just remember not to add anything else along with the walnut leaves.
eczema treatment

• The ground basil leaves can be directly applied over the infected area.

• Yet another eczema home remedy is to mix some ground garlic with honey. The quantity of both the ingredients should be same. Smear it on the affected area and wrap it with a clean bandage. This can be done at the night time. In the morning remove the bandage and clean the area with cool and clean water.

• Eczema home remedies also include small things like keeping your body away from the allergens that cause eczema. Wear clean clothes and keep your house clean.

What ever eczema home remedy you wish to choose from the above, ensure that you do not use products that contain alcohol.

Quick Tip #1
Wear clothes that are made of cotton or a cotton blend. Synthetics and wool products can often irritate the skin which in turn makes you want to scratch thus making your eczema worse. There are also a lot of new age fabrics which are very low allergenic and highly breathable which makes them great for people with eczema.

Quick Tip #2
If your eczema seems to be getting out of control then take a visit to your doctor to get a prescription for a steroid treatment. If after 3 weeks the cream is not working then you should visit your doctor again to make sure there are no other problems.

Quick Tip #3
Use moisturizers every day to help keep your skin soft and supple, this will help to prevent your skin from cracking. You want to try and avoid moisturizers with perfumes or other ingredients that may aggravate your eczema.
eczema treatment

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