9 Tips On How To Treat Eczema and Psoriasis Naturally | Curly Chic

If you have patches of itchy, dry, thick, flaky skin on the face, neck, scalp, knees, elbows or in the creases of your skin chances are you may have eczema or psoriasis.  Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can be irritating and problematic to everyday life.Listed are a few home remedies and natural treatments that can help put this skin condition at bay.

9 Natural Treatments & Home Remedy Tips:

1. Change your Diet: Consume more wholesome foods such as fish, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts.

2.Avoid things that can irritate your condition:  Protect your skin from a changes in weather conditions, harsh dish detergents, alcohol base skin and hair care products, rubbing alcohol, sulfate shampoos, perfumes, perfumed base body products, and perfumed washing detergents.

3. Use Virgin Coconut Oil on Skin and Scalp: Virgin coconut oil lubricates and nourishes dry inflamed skin and contains 50% lauric acid. Lauric acid have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

4. Use Natural Skin Creams and Hair Conditioners: Look for creams or conditioners that contain aloe vera, coconut oil, tea tree oil and calendula extracts. These products are known to be very effective and will help relieve dry itchy skin.

5.  Use Milk, Oat, and Butters on Your Skin & Scalp: Natural products containing milk, coconut milk, yogurt, buttermilk, goat milk and colloidal oats soothe  and moisturize the skin. Shea butter and cocoa butter is healing to the skin and will not clog the pores.

6.  Take Milk or Oatmeal Baths:  Soaking your body in milk or oatmeal will soften  skin. It is also known that milk and oatmeal contains natural skin cleansing agents.

7. Always wash your hand before applying creams, oils, or lotions onto the your skin: Your hand can carry bacteria which can aggravate it and make it worse.

8. Use natural skin and hair care products that contain Tea Tree or Calendula:   Tea Tree and Calendula contain anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties. They have been known for centuries to heal wounds and skin irritations.

9. Do these tips for 2 to 3 months: You should see vast improvements with your skin’s condition. Your skin will also feel soft, supple and moisturized.

Source: Tukka Naturals


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