When Should We Use Cream For Eczema? | Splash Barbados.Com

There are enormous number for creams that help in reducing itchiness and formation of red bumps. You can apply Cream For Eczema anywhere on your body. You can use tropical medication creams including emollients, topical corticosteroids, oral corticosteroids, antibiotics and antihistamines.

Here are few types of Cream For Eczema.

Emollients (you can use it all times)

An emollient is a type of cream that helps to soften and smoothen your skin when it is dry. Applying Emollient creams not only keeps your skin moist, but also act as a protective layer form dust and germs. However, choose Emollients with doctor’s prescription. Emollients are specially manufactured for patients with dry and rough skin. Apply Emollients over affected areas overnight. For best results, add Emollients to your bathing water. One major advantage of Emollients is, ingredients present in it will cure red itches and red bumps, and furthermore, it reduces the itches during severe stages. Some may use oily and greasy mixture of creams, but it is best to avoid that. Emollients are the most effective moisturizer creams to make your skin wet and give a cure from eczema. You should find eczema’s Lotions and Cream For Eczema with less oil and grease to have higher effectiveness. Apply Emollient every day before you sleep and after you bath.

Topical corticosteroids

Use topical corticosteroids when you have heavy red patches. Apply them only on severe flare-up areas. Topical corticosteroid contains steroids and hormones. Power substances present in Topical corticosteroids help in reducing eczema and they work quickly in reducing inflammation and itchiness. Use them correctly and according to the prescription to avoid eczema. They are very much effective and hygienic. Use Topical corticosteroids cream only on visible areas including hands and legs and do not apply on eyes, ears, mouth, and genital areas.

Oral corticosteroids

Oral corticosteroids contain steroids and you can swallow them. When you take oral corticosteroids for a long time, it causes high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Sometimes, it affects the growth rate of children. Do not use this type for children below 12 years. Do not use when you are pregnant and when you get affected with kidney and urine infections. Take Oral corticosteroids only when you have severe flare-ups under doctor’s supervision.


An antibiotic is available in oral, tablet and topical forms. If you have eczema in the starting stage, then take antibiotics with doctor’s prescription. If you are at severe flare-ups stage, then visit your GP prescribe to take a tropical antibiotic such as fusidic and mupirocin acid. Make sure you do not stop in between and complete the course as per doctor’s prescription. Prevent yourself from eczema by keeping yourself hygienic and clean.

Natural herbs – Aloe vera and Gotu kola are mainly successful in treating the rashes and itchiness, and they also help in decreasing the pain, itching and burning sensation.

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