What is Eczema? The Mysterious Disease that has no cure …

What is Eczema? The Mysterious Disease that has no cure?

by | on April 26, 2013

Eczema is an inflammatory condition of the skin attended with itching and the exudation of serous matter. According to physicians, no one seems to know where eczema comes from OR how to cure eczema. But what’s strange to me is that doctors don’t know where eczema comes from OR how to cure eczema, but they have a name for it?! How does one treat or cure something that they don’t know where it comes from? This is a question that I have been seeking an answer to for some years now.

When I gave birth to my first child in 2004, she had been diagnosed with eczema. She was not able to use baby lotions or other scented products that babies uses. I was able to cure or control her eczema with a special lotion called “Renew” from Melaleuca.  eczemaAs I started speaking to other parents about their children, it seems as if ALL babies were being born with eczema! Everyone in my family spoke about their children having eczema. Hell I had eczema as a child, but didn’t pay it no attention until I started having kids of my own. Why are so many babies coming into this world with eczema?! Is it something inside the womb that is creating it? Or maybe it is something the mothers are being exposed to while they are pregnant? Perhaps it’s coming from something the babies are being injected with? According to the doctors, we as parents will NEVER get a straight answer to this question. One must do their OWN research to find out where the eczema is coming from.

Rylon Josiah’s Fight with Eczema

In 2011, I gave birth to my third child. He was born healthy with no problems at all. When he was three weeks old, he was hospitalized due to a high fever. The hospital ran some tests just to make sure he didn’t have a bacterial infection. After a couple of days of the doctors pumping antibiotics in him, he was fine to go home. His life had changed INSTANTLY after leaving the hospital.

My son had developed eczema. It wasn’t a regular case of eczema, but a severe case of eczema. My son had eczema from the top of his head down to his feet. Every part of his body (including the penis area) was covered with eczema! ALL of my son’s hair fell out! He would spend his days crying and scratching until he would scratch his skin off!

My husband and I were back and forth to numerous doctors appointments trying to cure our son. The doctors had tried so many ointments and creams on our son. None of them seem to work. Our son’s eczema was so severe that he could not be vaccinated like other babies. When he was 6 months old, the doctors thought he had Leukemia. After doing a couple of tests, he was cancer free. It was the eczema that had his blood cells looking like cancer cells.

My son’s  itching was so severe we had to keep our baby’s hands tied up at ALL times. We could not leave him in a crib unattended. You know how most parents put their babies in the crib at bed time and leave? I did that one time and it was the last time. I laid my baby down to go to sleep. Of course the itching woke him up and he scratched his scalp until he had no scalp. My son was just covered in blood! Blood was EVERYWHERE! My husband and I had to keep our eyes on our son at all times. He couldn’t hold a bottle correctly from his hands being tied up at all times. His finger nails were growing inward from his hands being tied up at all times as well. There were MANY nights that my husband and I would be up ALL night with our son cause he’s crying from the itching. My son would cry so long and hard until he would be hoarse. As parents, we tried everything we could to help our son. I was pissed off to the max with the doctors and them playing dumb about eczema. When I would see if we could try this or that to cure his eczema, the doctor had the nerves to tell me “We’re not trying to cure him, we’re just trying to find something to make him comfortable with eczema.” I knew then that I needed to find an alternative to help my son.

Eczema: the disease that pushed me into Network Marketing

With my son’s eczema being as severe as it was, I could not send him to daycare or grandma’s house. I had to leave corporate America alone. My husband and I did not trust no one to keep their eyes on him 24/7. We did not want to put that type of stress on anyone just so I can go make a couple of dollars a hour. We knew what kind of stress we found our selves under, so why put that on some one else?

I lost my income when I became a stay at home mom. All the bills were now my husband’s responsibilities. I knew I needed to generate some type of income to help out my husband with all the bills we had. I knew that I could not go back to corporate America, so I started doing some research about starting an online home based business. I found a company that was in my niche and I joined. I am proud to say that I am a stay at home mom who generates income AND is there for my son at the same Damn time!

Put your self in my shoes for a moment. What if this was you? What would you do? How would you handle this? No one expects nothing like this to happen to them or their children. We think we are going to get involved with a career and do forty years and retire. My career in corporate America was cut short. What if your career was cut short? What would you fall back on? How would you maintain your lifestyle? I had to find an answer to ALL of these questions. If you would like to learn more about a “Plan B” to fall back on simply click the link below and I’ll see you on the other side!








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