What Causes Eczema, All You Need to Know About Eczema | How …

What Causes Eczema

What Causes Eczema, All You Need to Know About Eczema. Before we was discuss about what does eczema look like, today we will discuss more detail about it. Infants and toddlers are very susceptible to allergens and irritants. You may recall some stories of other mums or perhaps you did have the experience of your own that some reckless choice of baby soap can turn to irritate baby’s skin. Not only that it makes your baby’s skin dries but also causes itch and sometimes inflammation. Baby and toddler have relatively softer and thinner skin than adults. Hence, any strong or over stimulated substances can cause problems. Sometimes, the babies’ skin gets irritated even from their own sweat. Dump shirts can also make this condition worsen. However, there is one dermatitis condition that needs to be carefully watched since it gives signs of other symptoms or following some illness, called eczema.

What Parents Need to Know
What is eczema and what causes eczema? Medically, it is a skin condition that is irritated or inflamed due to allergies. The most common type of eczema is atopic eczema that will trigger more allergic conditions like hay fever or asthmatic. Up to twenty percent of babies in the US are affected by this dermatitis syndrome and about three percent of adults have it due to various reasons. In some cases, the condition that appears within infancy can be brought along until the child reaches the age of ten or older. With proper treatments, eczema can be treated well even though it is carried until several years due to allergen triggers.

Atopic Eczema
When we discuss the factors of what causes eczema, parents should always keep in mind that most of eczema is atopic eczema. It means that the inflammation and irritation are caused by an illness triggered by allergens. Hay fever and asthma are two common reactions of allergies that usually cause eczema to occur. In light cases, when the illnesses disappear, eczema will also go away. However, since infants and toddlers do not have the same strength as adults, it may take several days before hay fever is cured. Certain skin treatments to lessen the itch and irritation can be applied, usually in terms of lotions or other herbal remedies. When skin becomes more comfortable, babies or toddlers normally can sleep better. Lessening their stress and allowing them to rest is very crucial in curing allergic illnesses and eczema.

Treating eczema will really depend on what causes eczema, the age of patience and their allergic conditions. If sensitivity is something in the family, then it is a big chance of hereditary condition. Recent studies show that the cases of eczema in adults have been increasing almost in various parts of world, including Western Europe and Australia. The medication or remedies that can help patients get rid of eczema vary from herbal homemade remedies up to intensive medical treatments. Both males and females are equally potential to have this dermatitis problem. Stresses are mentioned to be a worsening condition to eczema. Relaxation and consuming natural antibiotic ingredients may help to reduce stress level and prevent further infections.

Atopic March
Atopic March is a condition where young children have eczema and then several months later they suffer from asthma. The main cause of this condition is exposure to allergens. Parents need to be very aware of this and when needed, run allergic tests. This test is very useful to detect what factors can trigger allergy and prepare some preventive actions to protect their kids from the allergens exposure.

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