Infant Eczema – What You Must Know When Treating Baby Eczema …

If you are a parent who has to deal with your baby who suffers from infant eczema, then you know how defeating this condition can be. There can seemingly be nothing more frustrating, but take solace in the fact that there is hope. Natural treatment for infant eczema exists and can be more effective than one would ever imagine. This article will help the reader understand just what eczema is and what can be done to effectively cure it. If you are one of the many parents who are interested in naturally treating your precious little one’s eczema, then this article is for you.

The first step in treating infant eczema is understanding just what eczema is; know thy enemy. A skin disease eczema is not! Eczema is a skin disorder, more likened to an allergy than anything, as it is a chronic hypersensitivity reaction in the skin. It is characterized by red, scaly skin that itches, and it is usually apparent around the cheeks, elbows or knees. Since its cause is similar to an allergic reaction, a typical treatment may include corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and medicines called topical immunomodulators (TIMs); however, the point is to treat without these harsh measures. With a little knowledge, this is entirely possible, and if he or she could, your baby would thank you.

Since eczema is not a disease, your baby did not “catch” it; however, an indicator of susceptibility is a family history of the condition, as well as related conditions, such as hay fever and asthma. Baby may not want to thank you if he or she knew this, but that can be our little secret.

Since we have an understanding of infant eczema now, the next step in treating is prevention. Prevention is not too late, even if your baby is displaying signs of eczema. Breastfeeding mothers report a much lower incidence of infant eczema than do those who do not breastfeed. The breastfeeding mother may need to avoid cow’s milk, eggs, fish, peanuts and soy, as these are common foods that cause allergic reactions. One should try to keep a handle on stress, nervousness, anxiety and depression, as babies can pick up on this, display their own stress reactions and exacerbate infant eczema.

There are things to avoid lessen the effects of infant eczema. Stress is a great contributor to the appearance of the symptoms of eczema, so this should be avoided. Of course environmental irritants should be avoided, as well as sudden temperature changes. Dry skin is also one of the things that should be remedied quickly to avoid problems.

Eczema in one’s child can be one of those things that just stop a parent’s heart in his or her chest. The irritation that one’s child experiences is nothing compared to the bacterial infections or permanent scars that could result if not treated effectively. Parents are also reluctant to the severe treatments that are sometimes recommended. There are, however, very effective, safe and natural treatments for infant eczema for a parent’s peace of mind and a baby’s health.

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