Facts on Baby Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition which is characterized by dreadfully dry and itchy skin. It comes along with other symptoms including inflammation, cracking, scaling, and swelling of the skin. Atopic eczema is the type of eczema which largely affects the babies. In general, babies who are struggling with this skin disease may have develop its symptoms because of familial tendencies. The term “atopic” refers to the over sensitivity of the immune system with the allergens around us.

Babies have undeveloped immune system that is why they are mostly the victims of atopic eczema.  It occurs anywhere on the body especially the scalp, forehead, and chest. In some cases, the symptoms include stubborn itching which can be very disturbing to babies on their sleep. Sorry to say, but the direct cause of eczema is still unknown and the specific treatment for this skin condition is yet to be discovered.Nevertheless, you can try the natural ways of treating and preventing the skin condition. You just have to identify what are the allergens that cause eczema on babies.

If you frequently comes in contact with allergens like dust and animal furs, you are susceptible to trigger skin hypersensitiivity.There are different ways on how you can prevent the symptoms of eczema from occurring. You can follow the tips cited below.

1.  Ensure that your baby’s skin is highly moisturized.You can apply emollient and creams to maintain the softness and smoothness of your baby’s skin. This will reduce the irritation and also enhance the protection of your baby’s delicate skin. You can also apply oils and baby lotions after the bath as per your physician’s recommendation for the reason that there are some baby goods which can cause further aggravation.
2.  Bath your baby using lukewarm water. Do not use warmer water because they can irritate the skin and cause eczema flare ups. Bathing your baby in lukewarm water helps in keeping your baby’s skin moisturized. Do not use ordinary soap for baby’s skin. Use body wash made especially for babies with sensitive skin. After the bath, pat the baby’s skin and do not rub when drying. Rubbing may remove the oils which give protection to the baby’s skin.
3.  Do not use household detergents near your baby because it can trigger allergic reactions and irritation.
4.  Choose clothes with smooth and soft fabric such as cotton instead of synthetic or woolen materials. Cotton allows the skin to breathe easily and it also reduces the irritation.
5.  Always clean your home to make it dust free. Dust is one of the external triggers which may cause eczema. This will also keep the animal dander away if you have pets at home.

These are some of the tips you can follow to prevent your baby in having this skin condition. This condition is not difficult to manage.Just always keep your baby healthy and give him the utmost protection to these diseases.

How to treat eczema on face. As babies are more prone to allergies and they have sensitive skin, we provide informative facts about the causes of eczema to help you in identifying the best treatment for eczema.


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