6 Easy Natural Treatment For Your Baby Eczema | Care Your Baby

Easy Natural Treatment For Your Baby Eczema  ImageEczema in babies can thrive on the back of the elbows and knees, neck, abdomen and also on the face. Treating skin eczema in infants is quite simple, you can done by doing naturally cure. Eczema can be confirmed if you find that the skin has become red and inflamed, dried and cracked at places due to constant scratching to ease the itchiness.

Baby eczema can manifest from birth, when the infant is three to four months old and teething or even later at 8-9 months. At first, red patches start to occur, then develop into flakes, which can be very itchy.

What causes eczema?

No one knows for sure what causes it, but the tendency to have eczema is often inherited. So your child is more likely to have it if you or a close family member has had eczema, asthma, or allergies. A host of things could trigger it by causing an irritation in the skin.

Common triggers of infant eczema include:

  • Moisture (from milk, saliva, or sweat)
  • Animal dander
  • Detergents and soaps (steer clear of bubble baths)
  • Dust
  • Heat
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Scratchy fabrics
  • Food allergies (especially to citrus, cow’s milk, egg whites, chocolate, and nuts)

Natural treatment can be done for baby eczema :

  • Check out and avoid external factors that trigger eczema in babies. Scented soaps, harsh detergents in clothes, pollens, cloth diapers, and baby shampoos are some of the external allergens. Baby eczema natural treatment ensures that creams and lotions using only natural ingredients be used in babies for providing relief.
  • Herb based oil and lotion products that are topically applied. These natural substitutes include botanical herb ingredients such as witch hazel, chamomile, and even licorice. Products that include these substances have been demonstrated to alleviate eczema conditions. A recent scientific study showed that eighty percent of subjects given herbal compounds experienced a reduction in symptoms of eczema. Be sure to ask your dermatologist about applying chamomile to the skin as it may cause irritation.
  • Cleanse the baby’s skin once or twice a day, at most, with a gentle cleanser or just plain water. The baby’s skin really only needs to be washed when it is truly dirty. It is best to use lukewarm water as warm or hot water can dry the skin. For added moisture, put three to four drops of bath oil into the baby’s bath.
  • Avoid processed foods. From six months onwards, your baby starts on solid foods. Feed your baby only natural food. Avoid processed foods which have additives that may cause allergic reactions to baby. Such allergies may also trigger eczema. In preparing baby’s food, use natural ingredients like homegrown or organic.
  • Use a humidifier. Dry air exacerbates eczema, so use a humidifier during dry seasons. Buy a hygrometer from a hardware or home improvement store and shoot for moisture levels in the range of 35% to 50%.
  • Organic coconut oil. Organic pure fractionated coconut oil keeps your baby’s skin moist. It especially provides relief to ultra-sensitive and dehydrated skin, and reduces inflammation. Its formulation is helpful in treating skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema.

Natural remedies for baby eczema should be part of the long term management of this condition. In addition, the odds of the development of these diseases decreased with those who were given the probiotic treatment. Natural treatments for eczema are essential for people that want a cheaper remedy that achieves the best results.

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